  • 學位論文


The Intergroup Relations of Vietnamese People in Taiwan. Case Study of Puli, Nantou

指導教授 : 李美賢


越南國内從九十年代末起有一波波的人口來到台灣,主要透過跨國婚姻以及勞動出口兩個管道移入。此外,有一部分是透過教育合作移入台灣。按照台灣内政部統計處統計資料顯示,2015年6月底按國籍別分,越南籍已經有19萬8,776人,其中越南配偶有1萬7,407人、移工16萬2,731人,2014學年全台有4043位越南留學生。 透過不同管道移入台灣已成爲一種標籤,將在台灣的越南社群分爲不同的類別,此作用稱爲「社會分類」。當個體意識到這樣的分類,群體概念或群體認同逐漸形成出來,其行爲同時受到社會分類的主導。本研究旨在探討在台灣的越南新移民、移工、留學生三個群體之間的群際關係,探討群體之間的聯繫及態度,並討論意識到群體認同與否如何影響到受訪者向他群成員之互動。此外,本個案的群際關係亦受到地方認同的衝擊。由於越南的歷史分裂及越南各區域的社會文化特徵造成個體對越南區域擁有一定的認同,從而衝擊到受訪者的人際關係及群際關係。


Since the 1990s, Taiwan and South-East Asia countries getting more and more cooperation in many aspect, Taiwan has becoming a destination country for South-East Asia citizens. In the late 90s, there was the first wave of Vietnamese citizens immigrating to Taiwan through labour cooperation and transnational marriage, and after that is education cooperation. Taiwan Ministry of the Interior, Department of Statistics show that there are 198.776 Vietnamese people living in Taiwan in 2015, including 17.407 Vietnamese spouser, 162.731 Vietnamese labourers, 4.086 Vietnamese overseas students. It clearly shows that the presence of Vietnamese people in Taiwan has been a popular phenomenon. The way Vietnamese people come to Taiwan has been seen as a kind of label, divided them into different categories, or social categorization. When an individual is cognitive about such a categorization, then a sense of group identity is shaped, and their behaviours are also guided by social categorization. This research aims to make an exploration about the intergroup relations between three groups of Vietnamese people in Taiwan including female spouser, labourers, and overseas students. The social categorization and social identity could be understood as the factor which makes sense of intergroup relations. On the other hand, place identity also makes an effect in this case study of intergroup relations.


阿蓋爾(Argyle Michael)著,陸洛譯(1997)《社會階級心理學》。台北:巨流出版公司。
