  • 學位論文


An Exploratory study on Working Experiences of Vietnamese Immigrants in TaiwanAn Exploratory study on Working Experiences of Vietnamese Immigrants in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林東龍


新移民投入台灣勞動市場的人數日益增加,究竟她們的就業動機、求職管道,及勞動參與情形為何,是值得探究的重要議題。本研究透過越南新移民其在原母國和台灣等地的勞動經驗,探討她們的勞動意識與所處社會脈絡兩者之間的互動關係。 本研究採半結構式訪談大綱收集資料,共訪問9位目前居住在高雄且有工作經驗的越南新移民。 本研究結果發現:(1)受訪者的就業動機和工作選擇都是以家庭需求為優先考量,謀求高薪不是受訪者工作的首要條件;(2) 受訪者選擇工作類型的特徵為具有女性特質、家務勞動工作,或是能展現越南文化優勢的工作; (3) 受訪者求職的方式與在原母國相似,皆是透過人際網絡。 本研究建議:(1)政府應確切落實對多元文化的尊重,以更適合的角度進行探討與制定政策。(2)協助新移民勇敢走出家門,擴大運用社群資源,提升自我適應與競爭能力。


越南 新移民 勞動參與 勞動意識


The number of new immigrants entering the Taiwanese labor market is increasing. Their employment motivations, ways of searching for employment and labor participation are important issues to be explored. This study therefore explores the interaction between labor consciousness and social context through the experience of Vietnamese new immigrants in their native countries and Taiwan. This study collected data from a semi-structured interview outline and interviewed nine New Immigrants from Vietnam who currently reside in Kaohsiung and have work experience. The results indicated that (1) Respondents' employment motivation and job choices are based on family needs as a priority, with high salary not being the primary motivation for respondents' work; (2) Respondents selected job type advertisements characterized by femininity and housework, or work showing Vietnamese cultural advantages; and (3) Respondents seek employment in a similar way as being in their native country, through interpersonal networks. Based on the study results, we propose the following suggestions:(1) The government should accurately implement respect for multiculturalism and explore and formulate policies from a more appropriate perspective; and (2) New immigrants should bravely step out of their homes, expand their use of community resources, and improve their self-adaptation and competitiveness.


內政部(2016)。行政院第3487次會議 新住民施政成果及展望。使用日期2016年6月15日。摘自:http://www.ey.gov.tw/Upload/RelFile/19/734081/76f3fbb8-6a62-457f-97d4-0183913a8a10.pdf
內政部(2017). 結婚人數按性別及原屬國籍分(按登記日期,民國87年-104年).
