  • 學位論文


The Study on the Phenomena of Turnover among Members of Non-profit Organization (Rotary Club)

指導教授 : 駱世民


論文摘要 非營利組織的特色在於非以營利為目的,而是以社會服務、公共利益為使命的民間自願團體,由於缺乏穩定的財務來源,非營利組織需要大量志工的熱心奉獻,才得以正常運作並發揮功能。但是,志工容易受到個人因素或外在環境變遷等因素影響,出現服務供給不穩定和流動率高等問題;同時,組織發展會依循其生命週期,週而復始的循環,而非日益茁壯。所以,非營利組織的志工管理與因應組織生命週期的策略,是組織經營管理的重大課題。 本研究選定扶輪社作為研究對象,針對社員推薦入社、參與社團活動到退出組織的過程,進行歷史文件研究整理,並對相關社員進行深度訪談。研究發現扶輪社的成立宗旨為社員感情聯誼,職業互助互利,並將公共服務視為社團成立的主要目的,個人懷著追求成功與榮譽感的期望,在財務與時間因素許可下,受邀請入社,參與的動機為結交朋友擴展人脈與公司業務,並且實現自我服務的理念。社員退出的原因,主要是因為個人因素,包括健康、家庭、工作或不符期望價值等;活動因素包括活動的內容、舉辦地點與時間的配合等;組織的因素,包括缺乏組織社會化機制、無法融入組織文化等。而社員退出的過程,開始表現在參與活動熱情降低、出席意願衰退與出席率不佳等現象上面。 總之,扶輪社是一個對於成員約束力不高,建立在互信、互愛、互助上的鬆散組織,扶輪社的組織社會化方式,是提供多元的活動,社員需要自行積極參與,從活動中認識朋友,學習社團規則與文化。而扶輪社是以維護合諧的組織氛圍與文化的方式,制度性地篩選社員,形成一種一方面不斷邀請新社員入社,一方面讓不適任社員離開的流動現象。


Abstract Non-profit organization is a voluntary organization, whose mission is in social services rather than earning profit. Owing to the lack of stable sources of finance supports, non-profit organization needs to dedicate a lot of enthusiastic volunteers to function properly. However, volunteers are vulnerable to personal factors or environmental changes, whose service supplies are highly unstable and risk in the problem of turnover. Meanwhile the organization will follow the development of its own life-cycle, over and over again, rather than be increasingly robust. Therefore, the non-profit organization volunteer management and strategy about organizational life-cycle, are both major issues to organization management. The Rotary Club is selected as research object in this thesis. The study of turnover process of members is from entrance, participating activities and exit. The conduct of research includes collating historical documents and interviewing related members. It is found that the establishment of the Rotary Club aims to friends, mutual benefit and public service. Members with the pursuit of personal success and honor cherish the expectations of invited entrance. The motivation to participating is to make friends and business contacts and to achieve self-service concept. The reasons of exit are including personal factors such as health problem, family, occupy transfer, and not matching the expected value, etc; activity factors such as contents, venues, and time of the coordination; organizational factors such as the lack of organizational socialization, dislike of the organizational culture. The phenomena of turnover are showed in the poor attendance rates. In short, the Rotary Club is a loose binding society, built on mutual trust, mutual love, and mutual assistance among members. The way of organization socialization is to provide diverse activities. Members need to participate actively by themselves. In these activities they can make friends with each others, learn about community rules and culture. The Rotary Club keeps maintaining harmonious atmosphere inside, and systematic screening members by inviting new members constantly on the one hand, allowing members to leave in any discomfort situations on the other hand.


