  • 學位論文


A study of transformative learning process of adult volunteers participating in training programs---- an example of training programs in Tzu-Chi Foundation.

指導教授 : 賴弘基


本研究之目的在分析志工在培訓方案中轉化學習的內涵及轉變歷程、瞭解慈濟基金會促使志工成長學習的培訓方案內容、探究促進志工達到轉化學習的培訓方案及規劃設計,並綜合研究結果對公私部門的志工運用單位提出建議。   在研究對象上以慈濟基金會委員慈誠培訓方案為範疇。在研究方法上運用質性研究方法,除透過次級資料之蒐集整理,以釐清該組織之發展脈絡及培訓方案規劃;並透過研究者實地參與觀察及與六位培訓志工之深度訪談,以取得足夠研究分析轉化學習歷程之資料。   根據研究結果的討論,歸納出結論如下: 一、志工培訓過程中,促使個人態度、家庭角色及志願服務三面向轉化的意義觀點類型不盡相同。 二、志工培訓課程宜兼具工具性、溝通性及解放式的學習。其中,欲達到解放學習即視個體是否改變其原有之意義基模及意義觀點。 三、個體觀點的轉化會促進具體的行動,而行動亦是轉化學習過程中一個完整不可或缺的成分。 四、個人要進入觀點轉化的階段,其中很重要的一步即是進行反省和批判思考。 五、轉化學習可以被理解為一個錯綜複雜但仍具有階段性的歷程。 六、持續性的學習情境中,有助於批判性反思,進而造成轉化學習的發生。 七、分享與溝通是促進反省思考的催化劑,並進而達到轉化學習的成效。 八、轉化學習歷程的觸發及推動,與志工培訓方案有許多的關聯性。 九、培訓方案中,不論是靜態課程或是動態活動,都可以達到發人省思之效。 十、重視多元性的授課方式,及多樣化的課程內容及實做活動的志工培訓方式,較能達到志工轉化學習上的觸發。 十一、兼具志工學習、方案領導及運用場域三者相互配合的志工培訓方案即是有意義的志工培訓方案。 十二、不論是職前訓練或在職訓練,考量個人及組織層面的發展是方案規劃設計的重要概念。 十三、能著重瞭解志工參與志願服務的動機,並強化志工認同非營利組織的志工培訓方案較能促進志工服務品質。 十四、志工培訓單位可以在建全方案規劃下,融入志工參與決策核心,以重視志工專業化的趨勢。 十五、志工培訓單位有系統地建立人力資源網絡,能避免閒置了志工人力資源。 十六、良好的志工培訓方案建立志工終身學習的生涯發展觀,並促使志工團體邁向學習型非營利組織。


The purpose of this study is to analyze the volunteers while learning and working in Tzu Chi Foundation on how they can transform their mind after attending the training programs, and to understand what Tzu Chi Foundation have done for the whole society. Also the results of this study provides some suggestions to organizations with volunteers units. The research subject is in the context of Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation. Qualitative research method is adopted in this study, the data are collected to figure out the history and training planning of Tzu Chi Foundation. Besides the participating observation, in-depth interviews with six volunteers were conducted to gain data to analyze their transformative learning processes. Based on the study conclusions, there are some results as follows: 1.During the training programs, there are some differences among personal attitude, family characters, and volunteer service perspectives. 2.The training classes is instrumental learning, communicative and emancipatory learning. How to archive open-minded learning is to see if the initial meaning schema and meaning perspective of the individual are changed. 3.The transformation of the individual concepts will encourage concrete praxis, and praxis is also an essential factor of transformational learning. 4.A key step to enter the process of the concept of transformation is self-reflection and critical thinking. 5.Transformative learning theory is a complicated, but gradational process. 6.Continuously learning contributes to the critical thinking and bring about the transformative learning process. 7.Sharing and communication is the accelerator for self-reflection thinking, and then achieve the effects of transformative learning. 8.The development of transformative learning are related to the volunteer training programs are relative. 9.Both of static and synamic activities can drive the volunteers to ponder over during the training programs. 10.Multiple training sections are required during the volunteer training, it can encourage volunteer in transformative learning. 11.Designing a meaningful training program is needed to cooperate among volunteer learning, program leading and location application. 12.The training programs are considered in the development of both the individual and the organizations, regardless of pre-occupation or in-occupation trainings. 13.Volunteer training must focus on volunteer’s participation and their motivation, and to strengthen the mission of non-profit organization. 14.With the completely-planned schemes, the volunteers should be allowed to involve in the strategic decisions to value the trend of professional development for volunteers. 15.Volunteer training unit must set up human resource network in case the volunteer resource would be wasted. 16.A good volunteer training program would help develop the concept of lifelong learning to make volunteer groups form into non-profit learning organizations.




張穎華(2010)。博物館志工推廣幼兒教育活動之轉化學習研究─ 以國立臺灣博物館為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315204859
