  • 學位論文


Transformative governance of idle campuses to allied educational tour center- Case of Sun Moon Lake Allied Educational Tour Center

指導教授 : 林吉郎


近年來由於不婚、晚婚、晚生等因素影響,整個社會面臨少子化問題,長期而言,由於未來出生數持續減少,使得各縣市國小班級數減少甚至校數減少。故隨著學生數減少,校園空間亦將釋出,雖然這些校園閒置空間有少數存在著安全上的顧慮,但其餘多數都是硬體完善,若任其荒廢不加管理,不只是資源的浪費,更會形成社會治安的隱憂。閒置校園活化再利用的過程中,從評估、規劃、營運、維護以至永續經營,每一階段皆會面臨不同的課題,如建物硬體的使用狀況評估、法令規章的限制、政府相關單位的態度作為、依地方特色評選其活化類型、公私部門溝通協調、與社區資源的整合推動、社區民眾的需求瞭解、後續維護營運、面臨困境之因應對策與永續經營的機制等。 由於特色學校與在地遊學的推動,加上日月潭風景管理處首創觀光與教育的結合模式,運用當地生態、文化等資源,將閒置校園規劃轉型為特色遊學中心,並以OT營運方式委外經營本論文主要分為三個部分,第一為閒置校園轉型的評估與利基,第二為在OT營運的模式下公私部門如何協力共創雙贏,第三為轉型治理過程中所面臨的困境與對策, 本研究透過深度訪談相關人員經研究、分析後提出結論與建議,供相關單位日後執行閒置校園活化再利用的參考。


In recent years, owing to the effects of no marriage, late marriage and late birth, all the society faces the problem of lower birth rate. In the long run, because of the continuous reduction of birth rate in the future, it reduces the classes and even schools in elementary in every county and city. Accompanied with fewer students, there are idle campus spaces. Although there are a few campuses with safety concern among these vacant campus spaces, most of the others are all immaculate hardware. If we neglect and don’t manage, it is not only a waste of resource but it becomes latent worries of public security. In the process of vacant campus reactivation, from evaluation, planning, operation, maintenance to permanent management, there will be different themes in every phase. For instance, the evaluation of usage on building hardware, the restriction on laws and regulations, the governments’ attitude and behavior, the choice of active types of the local features, the communication and coordination between public and private departments, to push the conformity of the community resource, to understand the need of the community people, the following operation of the maintenance, and the policy when facing some straits and pivots of the everlasting management. Because of the push on featured schools and local tour study, and even more the combination of tourism and education first held by the Sun Moon Lake Scenic Area Administration, to make use of the local ecology and culture etc. try to transform the idle campus into featured tour study center, to entrust by OT operation into three main parts of the essay. First, the evaluation and foundation to transform the idle campus, Second, how do the public and private departments cooperate to create the win-win situation by OT operation, Third, facing the difficulties and policies during the administration of the transformation. This research was studied and analyzed by related staff and through profound interview. Afterwards, it was concluded and suggested and provides related departments reference to execute the active use of the vacant campus.


行政公共工程委員會 促參壽傋處(2011)。創新.蛻變-遊學與觀光校園活化的案例。
