  • 學位論文


A research for development of cable television value-added service for elderly at home.

指導教授 : 林欣美
共同指導教授 : 梁亞文(Yia-Wun Liang)


隨著少子化及國人平均餘命延長,台灣人口結構急遽老化2025年將邁入超高齡社會,政府積極推動長期照護保險穩定的資源投入,加上台灣的寬頻網路及有線電視超過八成的普及率,可結合應用於居家照護的新興產業上,預期將帶動企業的相繼投入使得居家銀髮族健康照護產業的未來成長可期。本研究的目的在針對此一創新服務產業成長機會,提出有線電視加值服務對居家老人生活服務需求之建構方式。 本研究首先以次級資料分析的方式,評估網路服務平台可行架構及採用Clayton Christensen商業模式再創新理論,讓高齡者在家中以電視遙控器簡單操作來完成生活所需及電視娛樂休閒功能轉變成生活好幫手做為價值主張。並辨識及強化有線電視系統業者關鍵資源和關鍵流程,以能獲利的方式,實現有力的價值主張。透過所建構虛擬及實體通路上優勢、媒合平台技術專利、形成品牌認知及政府社政服務穩定資源的配合等條件產生先行者優勢,推論本研究所提出之居家老人生活需求加值服務創新商業模式之可行性。 研究結論,業者以按件計酬方式獲利,以中南部獨立系統台業者的經營區域內長照社政服務費用支出做為評估,其回收時間最佳狀況一年內即可回收,最差狀況下也可在三年內回收的投資效益。獨立系統台業者所投入之照護創新加值服務,因有地域性服務之特性且營運區域集中、擁有獨立決策權及地方關係良好等優勢,除了可增強對目前用戶的黏稠度也可以提昇每名用戶平均營收貢獻度(ARPU),可以抵消因數位匯流及有線電視跨區經營負面衝擊。並且所建立綿密寬頻網路及服務媒合平台連結至政府長照服務資源資訊平台,透過資通訊科技協助服務對象簡化行政程序,提升長照服務使用比率也提昇業者不可或缺地位。


Because the newborn reduction and the people mean lifetime lengthen, rapid aging of Taiwan's population structure will enter the super aged society in 2025, the Taiwan government impels Long-Term care insurance system positively the consistent resources investment.Taiwan's broadband networks and cable TV penetration rate of over 80% can be used in home care combined with emerging industries, is expected to lead enterprises have invested so seniors home health care industry's future growth can be expected. The purpose of this thesis research, in the creative services industry growth opportunities, proposition for development of cable television value-added service for eldely at home. The study first in secondary data analysis of the way to assess viable structures and network services platform using Clayton Christensen Reinventing Your Business the Model theory, let the elderly at home with the TV remote control, simple operation to complete the daily needs good help and television entertainment functions into life as a value proposition. Identification and enhanced cable TV system operators and key resources and key processes, in a profitable manner to achieve strong value propositions. Construction on the virtual and the real channel through the advantages, web platform technology patents, brand awareness and Government social services stable resources to meet conditions, such as pioneer advantage, deduces the Institute put the home life of the elderly needs to add value and feasibility of the business model of service innovation.   Through the analysis, the entrepreneur calculates the deal quantity way to obtain the profit, looks after society the political service expense disbursement take in the south central independent system Taiwan entrepreneur's management region to do for a long time as the appraisal, in an its investment income time full fine year, under the worst condition also may in three year in investment incomes. The independent system Taiwan entrepreneur investment looks after the innovation to add the value service for a long time, because has merit of also transport business region centralism the regional service, has the independent decision-making power and the place relations good and so on the superiority, except may strengthen to the present user mounts thickness also to be possible to promote each user average earning degree of contribution (ARPU), may reduce because digital convergence and cable TV cross area management impact. And establishes the crowded broadband network and the service intermediary gathers the platform to link long to the government according to the service resources information platform, the penetration capital communication science and technology assists the service object simplification administration procedure, promotes also to promote the entrepreneur market niche long according to the service use ratio.


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