  • 學位論文


Are There Differernt Worlds? A Preliminary Study on Stratification of Social Work Labor Market in Taiwan

指導教授 : 古允文


第一線社工人力流失率大,流動率高的情形由來已久,雖隨著相關系所的增開,使人力在表面上不虞匱乏,但人力不穩定背後所隱含的問題,不僅僅是人力上「量」的部分,更重要的是在服務的「質」的部分。初入社工領域的新鮮人帶著熱忱的心進入,最後黯然離開的例子時有所聞,因此引發研究者對於社會工作勞動市場的好奇與關心,故以此勞動市場為對象;又,基於不同機構、領域的社會工作者之間的差異的事實,但如此差異是否足以產生不平等的階層感受,則是研究者另一個想瞭解的現象。基於上述,本研究之目的在於瞭解現職第一線社會工作者於社會工作勞動市場的現況,並探討階層化現象的存在與否,藉此試圖勾勒社會工作勞動市場之雛形,以期提出相關建議而有助於社福機構在人力制度規劃做為參考。 欲達本研究目的,需較深入且具豐富性之資料,因此本研究採用質性研究典範;以訪談法進行資料蒐集,針對12位從事社會工作總年資五年以內,目前分別任職於公部門、民間社福機構、公設民營以及醫院之第一線社工員進行訪談。經訪談資料分析之後,研究發現如下: 一、現職基層社工的工作現況:不同領域之社會工作者所面臨的共 同課題:大眾認知不足所形成的刻板印象與錯誤期待對工作造成的壓力與無力;人力不足使個人負荷過高工作量,缺乏抒解壓力的自我空間與時間,長久累積,易造成耗竭,形成人力不足的惡性循環。 二、階層化現象:傳統具不平等意涵甚濃之階層化現象,在社會工作者間尚不明顯;而雖無「貴族」或「平民」的感受存在,卻在「理想工作特性」上有其共通性:「機構具一定規模」、「制度完善」、「專業自主性高」、「勞動條件佳」、「被認可」以及「穩定」。若依受訪資料觀之,將不平等意涵去除,而以歸納基層社工對於工作的期待所形成的特性,或可將社會工作勞動市場中的工作以新的階層形式闡釋之。 三、社會工作勞動市場的圖像:接續「去除不平等意涵的階層形式」,簡單地以側倒之三角錐做為社會工作勞動市場的工作機會結構示意圖,此圖可單純表示勞動市場中的工作機會與理想工作的特性結合後所呈現的結構;也可加入個人在此勞動市場中流動趨勢觀點來加以解釋。 綜合上述,我們可以初步瞭解,在自我認知上,基層社工員之間尚無因工作條件與內容不同而來「不平等的階層」感受;反而是與社會大眾或其他專業接觸時易有階層的感受產生;再從個人在社會工作勞動市場中的流動趨勢,與期待的工作特性中來看,除了部分組織因素之外,大眾認知實為影響這些現象的源頭。最後,根據研究發現,提出關於提升大眾正確認知、督導制度、在職訓練制度、工作內容專職化,以及未來研究進行的建議。


The high leaving and turnover rate of the front-line social workers has been existing for a long time. Although workforce of social workers seem sufficient to satisfy demands of social work labor market in Taiwan, because of the increasing social work departments in universities. Truly problems behind unstable workforce are not only the ‘number’ of workforce, but also the ‘quality’ of working conditions. It is not a news for that a freshman with enthusiasm about social work engages into this labor market but leave with disheartenment. This is the reason for the researcher to be curious and concerned with social work labor market. However, there are actually some differences between varied work fields of social workers. Are all they will produce unequal feelings? This is another phenomenon that researcher want to explore. Therefore, the purposes of this study are: 1) to understand working situations of those front-line social workers in different work fields; 2) to discuss the question if there is a phenomenon of stratification existing in social work labor market; 3) to figure out a general picture of this labor market; and 4) to offer some suggestions helpful for social work and welfare agencies to draw up their schemes about employees. Deep and plentiful information is necessary for achieving these purposes. This study adopts qualitative research strategy to collect data by in-depth interview. A group of 12 front-line social workers, who work separately in the government, private social welfare agencies or organizations, public owned but private run institutions, and hospitals, were interviewed with their current working conditions and career expectations. The findings are as follows: V 1. Working conditions of front-line social workers: workers from different work fields confront the same problems — first, inadequate understanding and stereotypes from people that have accumulated massive pressures and over-expectations on social workers; and, second, insufficient workforces result in overloading and lack of time and space to relax their stresses. 2. Labor stratification: the traditional stratification with inequality does not occur in those workers’ minds, but there are six common requirements of so called ‘ideal job’: 1) large-sized agency or organization; 2) well-functional institution; 3) liberty to execute professional judgment; 4) good working conditions; 5) to be recognized as a profession; and 6) stability. If we exclude the unequal implications in stratification and connect it with six common requirements of ideal job, it might explain the social work labor market by a new type of stratification. 3. General picture of social work labor market: following above discussion, the researcher lies down an awl to figure out a simple diagram as to indicate the structure of social work labor market in Taiwan, implying not only the gap between opportunity and expectation, but also to explain personal mobility trend in this labor market. In conclusion, we have preliminary understanding as follows: 1) among front-line social workers, the feeling of stratification has not product within yet, but it does emerge from contacting with people and other professions; and 2) besides several organizational factors, inadequate identity of social work is the origin. Finally, according to these research findings, we propose some suggestions about professional supervision, on-the-job training, labor division of work contents, and for further study in the future.


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