  • 學位論文


Community Building Planning-A Case Study Of Seediq Village

指導教授 : 徐敏雄


本研究的目的,在於探討南投縣仁愛鄉清流部落社區(原住民社區)總體營造的策略的研究。研究過程,由清流部落歷史發展的樣貌切入,在探討的視野上,分成1896年以前、1897~1945年、1946~1998年,以三個階段的時空脈絡,藉由部落組織、教育、經濟和文化社會及習俗四個層面,來瀏覽清流部落營造發展的樣貌。再以同樣的時序,就政治、教育、經濟和文化社會及習俗等面向,來分析影響部落發展的相關因素。其後,再由文化、經濟、資源和教育層面,來探討清流部落在1999年921大地震後迄今的社造策略及影響策略的背景分析,藉由研究分析獲得歸納結論,提供建議,以為其他部落在營造上的參考,並由清流部落營造的經驗延伸,提供大眾未來繼續研究的方向,以彌補本研究之不足。 研究結果發現,清流部落賽德克族人有其獨特且豐富的文化內涵,其先人更有驚天地動鬼神的霧社抗日事件歷史故事,為後來的清流部落在社區營造的文史資源上,提供了優勢的條件。另外,清流部落有幽靜田園景觀,有多樣化的自然資源,有清新的空氣和清澈的溪流,為部落營造奠定了良好的基礎。然,部落營造是永續的,需要全部落族人共同參與和不斷的關心。由於,清流部落族人營造的觀念尚在萌芽階段,但許多問題早已橫在眼前,亟需耐心的一一克服。諸如:對國家、族群及自我的認同缺乏信心;對文化內涵的認知不足;未能善用各類媒體,行銷部落;部落受內部及外在壓力影響,核心價值渙散;弔詭的部落組織架構;缺乏社區營造的概念,無整體規劃的機制;公民素質低落,公權力不彰,部落規範的無法落實執行;社區參與低迷;社區與私人,在權力與利益上的衝突;缺少認養制度的機制;未能抓住推動社區方案的契機;社區發展公積金運用的保守;產業無配套措施,未能凸顯部落特色;菁英疏離冷漠,士大夫心態未能帶動部落繁榮---等等,均是清流部落未來要陸續克服的問題。 最後,本研究也依據研究結果針對原住民族部落之營造,提出相關建議及未來研究的方向,以為其他社區或部落營造之參考。


The purpose of this study is to investigate community building strategies in Quingliu village, an aboriginal community of Seediq, located in Ren-ai Township, Nantou County. First, the historical background of Qingliu is introduced chronologically. The first period is before 1896, the second is form 1897 to 1945, and the third is from 1946 to 1998. The situation of the community development is overviewed from the aspects of the village organization, education, economy and cultural customs. In the same temporal order, influential happenings on the decision of community building, such as the influence of 921 earthquake in 1999, is discussed. Through this research, it has become clear that Seediq in Qingliu possesses the unique and rich culture. For instance, Wushe Incident, the rebellion against the Japanese colonization, has made Qingliu’s community go through a culturally and historically unique path. In addition, Qingliu benefits pastoral view, natural recourses, flesh air and clear rivers. Qingliu makes the best location of community building model. However, Qingliu’s developmental effort has just begun. People are facing many problems to be solved, such as the people’s poor recognition of the nation, the tribe and the self, ignorance of their own cultures, low morals, paradoxical community organizations, pressure from inside and outside community, an ineffective planning system, prevention to exert authoritative power, conflict between self and the community, an interest in profit and power, conservative use of provident funds, indifference in the community by educated people from the village, inability to take advantage of the media, to enforce community rules, to promote tribal characteristics, to take initiatives, and lack of a unite value, active participation in the community, prospect for community building, opportunities to encourage developmental plans, and cooperative industrial strategy and a volunteering system. In conclusion, this study proposes the direction of continuing research in indigenous or non-indigenous community development.


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