  • 學位論文


A Study on Taiwan Corporation Brand Internationalize-Apply to Nanpao Resins Brand Strategy and Visual Image

指導教授 : 蘇茂生


台灣企業結構長期以來均以外銷為主要的經濟發展模式,在內需市場過小的壓力下,若不開拓國際市場,則難以維持企業的經濟規模;近年,台灣產業更面臨微利化、國際化及知識化的挑戰,企業在製造方面的附加價值已快速降低,故必須朝微笑曲線的研發與品牌兩端發展才能突破困境,因此,發展國際品牌已不再侷限於高科技產業,甚至在傳統產業中不乏許多強力推展國際品牌的企業,如:巨大(Giant)、正新輪胎(Mexxis)、康師傅(Master Kong)、喬山(Johnson)及南寶樹脂(Nanpao)等,惟有成功自創品牌、拓展國際市場,才能掌握經營自主權,擁有品牌才能開創企業的未來。 本研究的目的旨在探討台灣企業品牌國際化的發展及其品牌策略間之相互關係,從而了解一個國際品牌在全球市場行銷的視覺形象傳播之需求及關鍵影響因素,藉由文獻探討、個案研究、深度訪談以及品牌識別實務的規劃與執行案例求証之,探討品牌國際化的策略及視覺形象應用之建議。


Taiwanese corporations have longed used export as their main economic development model, with the knowledge that it would be difficult to maintain a corporate economic development model by only relying on Taiwan's small domestic market, and not developing in the global market. Now more than ever in recent years, Taiwan industries are facing the challenges of slim profit margins, globalization, and obtaining knowledge. Corporations are seeing a rapid decline of added value in manufacturing. Thus, there is a need to move towards two-pronged development: smile curve research and branding. This is the only way a breakthrough can be made with this difficult situation. Therefore, developing international brands is no longer limited to the high tech industry. In the traditional industries, quite a few corporations are promoting and developing international brands such as Giant, Mexxis, Master Kong, Johnson, and Nanpao. A corporation can only achieve true autonomy in its business operations when it creates its own brand name and develops its brand in the global market, and only by having a brand can a future be created for a company. The goal of this research is to investigate the mutual relationship between the globalization and development of Taiwan corporate brands and the brand strategies of the companies, so as to understand the conditions in which an international brand conveys its presence in the global market, as well as the key factors behind these conditions. This research seeks to confirm these conditions and key factors through an examination of the planning and implementation of case studies. These case studies are examined by referring to documentation, case study research, in-depth interviews and brand identity. Finally, this research examines brand globalization strategies and the application of brand presence, and then makes recommendations.


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