  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 吳心楷


本研究以三種多重表徵的教材讓學生閱讀,學生閱讀研究者所指定的教材時必須依提示產生自我解釋,而研究對象為高中二年級的學生二十七名,平均分配為文本組、圖文本組、動畫文本組三組,資料收集的來源為前、後測與學生自我解釋的回答。研究目的為探討運用自我解釋策略結合多重表徵對於氣體動力論概念學習的影響,研究結果顯示: (一) 多重表徵對於氣體動力論概念學習成效(後測)並無明顯的影響,前、後測驗的進步分數是以動畫文本組學生進步的分數最多,文本組次之,圖文本組最少,動畫文本組與圖文本組之間有顯著差異。 (二) 多重表徵對於學生自我解釋推論的數量上並無明顯的影響;自我解釋的正確程度以動畫文本組學生最高,圖文本組次之,文本組最低,動畫文本組與其他兩組之間有顯著差異。 (三) 自我解釋的推論類型出現的次數由高而低依次為:相關型推論、邏輯型推論、參考型推論、常識型推論類、公式型推論、統整型推論、類比型推論、比較型推論,其中相關型推論出現的頻率幾乎佔了所有推論的一半。文本組擅長於參考型推論,圖文本組擅長於常識型推論與公式型推論。動畫文本組擅長於相關型推論、比較型推論、邏輯型推論及統整型推論。 (四) 多重表徵對於學生所呈現的氣體動力論概念:動畫文本組表現最正確,圖文本組次之,而文本組表現是三組中較不好。所有概念類型是以「氣體分子數目」及「氣體分子運動」產生的另有概念的類型為最多。 綜合量化與質化分析結果顯示,提示自我解釋可以促進學生在氣體動力論的概念學習,多重表徵的教材促進學生概念發展的獲益程度也不同。本研究詳細探討學生利用多重表徵以自我解釋為策略的概念學習過程,供未來相關研究參考。


This research aims at probing into the effects of multiple representations on students learning of kinetic theory of gases. This research provided three different texts with multiple representations for students to read who should apply to the prompts to generate self explanations on this appointed texts. Participants(27 eleventh graders from a public high school) were randomly assigned to three groups—text group (provided with only texts), picture group (with pictures and texts),and animation group (with animations and texts). Data sources included pre-test and post-test of concepts, and self explanations generated by students. The main results of this study are showed belows. 1. Multiple representations had no significant difference on pre-test in kinetic theory of gases. Students in animation group gained the most scores in the difference of post-test and pre-test scores, secondly text group, the last picture group. There were significant difference between animation group and picture group. 2. Multiple representations had no significant difference on the students generating number of self explanations. The best degree of accuracy on self explanations attributed to animation group, secondly picture group, the last text group. Animation group had significant difference with the other two groups. 3. The frequency of inference types on self-explanation are listed in order: cognate, logic, referential, commonsense, formular, integrated, analogical, comparative, of which cognate inference almost occupy half of the whole inference. Picture group are good at commonsense and formular inference while animation group are good at cognate, comparative, logic and integrated inference. 4. Multiple representations displayed the concept in kinetic theory of gases: the rate of accuracy performed best by animation group, secondly picture group, the last text group. Alternative conception caused from kinetic molecule and kinetic molecular motion generate the most quantity among all types of concept To synthesize the research study on quantitative and qualitative analysis, prompt self explanations can facilitate students’ learning in kinetic theory of gases and students can benefit from different teaching materials of representation. This research has made a thorough inquiry on multiple representations used as self explanations learning process. I believe the results can be provided for reference on concerned study in the future without fail.




左台益(2001)。高中生建構橢圓多重表徵之認知特性。科學教育學刊, 第九卷第三期, 281-297。


