  • 學位論文


Teachers’ Teaching Ability in Health and Physical Education Field at The Elementary School in Taiwan

指導教授 : 程瑞福


摘要 本研究旨在探討國小體育教師之教學能力現況,以6位實際擔任小學體育課授課之教師為研究對象,以教材認知能力、課程設計與轉化能力、教學與評量能力三大構面來探討與分析。本研究為質性取向之個案研究,藉由訪談、文件蒐集等方法,進行為期一學期的資料收集,研究結果發現如下: 一、國小健體領域體育教師教學之「教材認知能力」 教師皆認為本身具備提供學生重要性高的教材認知的能力。在編選教材方面:瞭解體適能的基本概念及積極促進的方法、運動安全的基本常識及教導學生注意運動安全、運動傷害的成因與預防方法及教導學生注意運動傷害、簡易處理運動傷害的作法及教導學生簡易處理的方法、評選不同版本教科書的能力並分析不同教材、具輔助教學的效果。 二、國小健體領域體育教師教學之「課程設計與轉化能力」 教師認為個人具備九年一貫指標與內涵等轉化與設計能力,但其重要性尚可,主要認為理論與實際之間有所差異,無法完全落實教學設計。 三、國小健體領域體育教師教學之「教學與評量能力」 教師皆認為個人能針對學生重要性程度高之項目進行教學與評量。在教學與評量方面:具備指導學童表現正確使用基本運動設備及操作運動器材的能力、指導學童表現各類運動的基本動作及技術的能力、在課堂中重視並積極促進運動安全的行為、能運用有效的班級經營方法指導學習並注意學習安全與學生互動的情形、能充分利用學校場地、器材與設備等資源進行體育教學。


Abstract This research aims at probing into the teaching ability present situation of the sports teacher of primary school, as the research object with 6 teachers taking on physical education of primary school and giving lessons actually, cognitive ability, course design and transform ability, teaching and person who comment three ability heavy to construct surface discuss and analyse with teaching material.Qualitative approach technique,interview and document were used for data collection for four months from February to May,2007.It was found that:(1) The teachers’ teaching ability in health and physical education field for “the cognitive ability of the teaching material” at the elementary school.In compiling the teaching material: Can disintegrate not to be the right basic conception and not actively last method, basic general knowledge with safe movement, origin cause of formation and prevention method that sports injure, teach students how to pay attention to sport injury, the simple and easy practice of dealing with movement injury and the results of the ability to teach students, evaluate the textbook and auxiliary teaching of different teaching materials of analysis.(2) The teachers’ teaching ability in health and physical education field for “course design and transform ability” at the elementary school.The teacher thinks individual possesses always such transforming and designed capacity as the indicator and intension,etc.for nine years, but its importance is in line, think mainly different to some extent between theory and reality, it is unable to totally implement teaching to design.(3) The teachers’ teaching ability in health and physical education field for “teaching and commenting amount ability” at the elementary school.In teaching and commenting amount: Possess and instruct the pupil how to display and use the basic sport equipment and ability to operate sports apparatus correctly, instruct pupils how to display basic movements and ability of technology of all kinds of movements, pay attention to in the classroom and promote the safe behavior of sport actively, use the effective class business method to guide the situation studied and interacted with student, fully utilizes the school place, apparatus equipment to carry on sports teaching.


Borich, G. D. (1996). Effective teaching methods. Columbus, OH: Charles, E. Merrill.
