  • 學位論文


Research on Accessible Context-Aware and Adaptive e-Learning Environments

指導教授 : 葉耀明


數位台灣計畫強調知識經濟發展,數位學習扮演培育專業人才的關鍵性角色。若數位學習平台未考慮身心障礙者對教材結構、媒體呈現、介入輔具操作的可及性需求,身心障礙者將被排拒在數位學習的推動潮流外。本研究目的在於開發具情境感知之適性化數位學習平台所需功能模組和無障礙學習環境可及性評估,以建立適合身心障礙者的理想數位學習環境。 本研究架構分為二部份,第一部份以「無礙e網」為學習環境可及性評估對象,使用無障礙網頁開發規範之機器檢測進行學習平台可及性評估;輔以改良式螢幕鍵盤為個案進行介入替代性輸入輔具的平台操作可及性評估;並同時使用機器檢測與人工檢測進行非智能障礙類的教材可及性評估。第二部份是情境式與適性化學習系統設計,在情境式方面,參考IMS之學習者資訊包裝規範,設計身心障礙者網路學習護照並能感知學習情境資訊;在適性化方面,導入SCORM教材順序導引,依據測驗結果判斷學習能力,開發提供適性化服務所需的功能模組。 學習環境可及性評估結果能做為建構理想無障礙數位學習環境參考。身心障礙者網路學習護照能節省人力、時間成本及學習經驗可攜性,但資料格式的完備性有待專家評鑑、統一標準。具情境感知之適性化學習系統的功能模組設計成效受到個案肯定且符合研究目的,系統能自動感知學習者情境資訊,並依學習者個別需求,提供自動課程分流、學習路徑選擇與學習順序導引。


The e-Taiwan Program emphasized that e-learning will play the key role of professional training in the development of knowledge-based economy. The trend will exclude disabled people if the e-learning platform doesn't consider accessible presentations, personalized learning sequences and accessibility of assistive technology devices. This research is developing required functional modules of a context-aware adaptive e-learning platform and evaluating web accessibility of learning environment which builds perfect e-learning environments for disabled people. This research framework contains two parts. In the first part, according to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 1.0 to evaluate web accessibility of the research object, which is named "Wu Ai Yi Wang" by machine identifications. This research had also asked participants to use improved screen keyboard interfere to evaluate the operational accessibility. Furthermore, this research had used both machine identifications and human checks to evaluate curriculums accessibility of no intelligence impairment. The second part is to design a contextual and adaptive learning platform. In the aspect of context, we refer to learner information package specification so that we can design the disabled learning passport and the system can context aware learning information. In the aspect of adaptive learning, since SCORM Sequence and Navigation is introduced into research, we can determine the learning capacity based on the test result and develop suitable functional modules for adaptive services. The result of evaluating accessibility of learning environment can become a reference for building perfect e-learning environments for disabled people. Furthermore, the disabled learning passport can save labors, time cost and learning experiences portability, but it has to be completed standard by expert evaluations. The effects of a context-aware adaptive e-learning platform are that learner context information can be distinguished, and according to learner profile characteristic and learning capacity, it also provides suitable curriculums and schedules learning path and personalizes learning sequence.


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