  • 學位論文


A Study on Professional Competencies of the Direct Sales Store Shopkeeper of Mobile Communications Services

指導教授 : 于俊傑


本研究旨於探討行動通信服務業直營門市店長所應具備之專業職能架構與指標,以及該重要程度,並瞭解店長的個人變項是否影響其對於職能的認知。研究方法係採文獻探討、專家訪談及問卷調查等方式進行;研究母群為510位直營門市店長,問卷共計發放230份,得有效問卷203份,有效回收率為88.26%。經量化分析後,歸結以下之研究發現: 一、行動通信服務業直營門市店長之專業職能架構:包含「產業專業職能」、「管理類職能」、「人際類職能」及「自我概念價值」等4個主構面、21個次構面及143個指標。 二、職能架構與指標重要程度之分析結果為:(一)各職能主構面皆為“非常重要”。(二)「產業專業職能」主構面中之所有次構面皆為“很重要“或“非常重要“,而「管理類職能」、「人際類職能」及「自我概念價值」等主構面中之所有次構面皆為“非常重要“。(三)所有職能指標皆為“很重要“或“非常重要“。 三、店長的個人變項對於各職能認知之差異分析結果為:(一)性別對於「銷售技能」等9個職能、年齡對於「商品與服務知識」等3個職能、教育程度對於「銷售技能」等9個職能、服務地區對於「法規知識」等16個職能、門市正職員工人數(含店長)對於「電腦及設備操作技能」該項職能、現任公司服務年資對於「人事管理」等7個職能、現任公司直營門市店長之工作年資對於「營運目標管理」等4個職能、含同業相關工作經驗之服務年資對於「法規知識」等2個職能,以及含擔任同業門市店長之工作經驗對於「銷售技能」等12個職能之認知,皆有顯著差異。(二)婚姻變項對於各職能之認知均無顯著差異。


The purpose of this research is to study the structure and the index of professional competencies which a direct sales store shopkeeper of mobile communication services shall have as well as its importance and to understand if the personal variables of the shopkeeper will influence his/her cognition of competencies. For the research method, it includes literature reviews, expert interviews and questionnaires. The population of this research is 510 shopkeepers of direct sales stores. For the questionnaire, we distribute total 230 copies, among which there are 203 copies of valid questionnaires. The effective response rate is 88.26%. With the quantitative analysis, this research concludes that: 1.The professional competencies structure of the direct sales store shopkeeper of mobile communication services includes four main dimensions, 21 sub-dimensions and 143 question indices: “Professional Competency in Industry”, “Management Competency”, “Interpersonal Competency” and “Self-concept Value”. 2.For the analysis result of the importance of competency structure and the question index, it includes: (1) All main dimensions of all competencies are “very important”. (2) In the main dimension of “Professional Competency in Industry”, all sub-dimensions are “important” or “very important”. And in the main dimensions of “Management Competency”, “Interpersonal Competency” and “Self-concept Value”, all sub-dimensions are “very important”. (3) All competency indices are “important” or “very important”. 3.For the analysis result of the difference of shopkeeper’s personal variables among his/her cognitions of all competencies, it includes: (1) There are significant differences among such cognitions as the age for nine competencies of “Sales Skills”, the age for three competencies of “Product and Service Knowledge”, the educational background for nine competencies of “Sales Skills”, the service area for 16 competencies of “Legal Knowledge”, the number of full-time store employees (including the shopkeeper) for the competency of “Computer and Equipment Operating Skills”, the year of services in the current company for seven competencies of “Personnel Managements”, the year of work experiences as the direct sales store shopkeeper in the current company for four competencies of “Management by Objectives (MBO), the year of services in current and other same businesses for two competency of “Legal Knowledge”, and the year of work experiences as the current or other same businesses shopkeeper for 12 competencies of “Sales Skills”. (2) There is not any significant difference among such cognitions as the variable of marital status for each competency dimension.




