  • 學位論文


The Study of “Content Knowledge on Financial Education” for Elementary School Teachers

指導教授 : 黃美筠


我國近幾年來因「卡奴」問題爆發,加上金融海嘯產生的持續經濟不景氣,政府體認到理財教育的重要性,透過行政院金管會擬定「金融知識普及計畫」,在此計畫下金管會編製了理財教育系列教材,並於2011年開始草擬「金融基礎教育學習架構」,努力推動理財教育,培養學生的理財素養。但相對的,從事理財教育的教師,應注意哪些理財教育知識內容,或具備哪些學科知識能力,亦即理財教育師資的準備,則較少受到關注。 本研究採用深度訪談以及三次德懷術問卷調查,參酌專家學者所提供的建議,經過統計處理及資料分析,統整出專家學者的共識。根據研究發現,歸納本次研究結果如下: 一、確認「國小理財教育知識內容與教師所需具備的學科知識」 二、建議國小從事理財教育教師應修習相關科目 三、對金管會的「金融基礎教育學習架構」提出修正意見 本研究結果期待國小從事理財教育之教師,在面對理財教育課程時能夠了解理財教育的學習架構以及所對應的學科知識內涵,輔以本研究的專家學者建議,提升自我理財教育學科知識,並融入於理財教育教學中。


The break out of “Credit Card Debtors" in Taiwan in recent years plus the sustained economic downturn resulted from the financial tsunami led to the recognition of the importance of financial education from Taiwan Government. The government formed the “Financial Literacy Project" through the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) of Executive Yuan, whereas the FSC prepared a series teaching materials of financial education under this project and started developing the “Learning Framework on Basic Financial Education" in 2011, with efforts in cultivating the financial literacy of students. In contrary, little attention has been paid to the content of financial education and literacy, or the abilities in content knowledge to be equipped; in other words, the preparation for qualification of financial education. The study applied in-depth interview and three times of Delphi-Technique based questionnaire survey with discretion of the comments proposed by experts and scholars, to reach consensus from the experts and scholars through statistical processing and data analysis. The findings are as follows: 1. Confirm the “content of financial education and knowledge in elementary school and the content knowledge required for teachers." 2. Recommend for the required subjects studying in elementary school teachers of financial education. 3. Propose comments on the “Learning Framework for Basic Financial Education" formulated by the FSC. The study results expect that the elementary school teachers in financial education to understand the learning framework of financial education and the literacy of corresponding content knowledge when work with financial education curriculum. The advices given by the experts and scholars in the study are provided to supplement the teachers with self-enrichment in financial education and content knowledge in addition to integrate the materials into the instruction of related financial education.


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