  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Working Experience of Female Sports Journalists in Taiwan

指導教授 : 施致平


體育記者一直以來就是以男性為主的領域,這個行業中只有少數女性,且國內社會對女性有個刻板印象,認為女性不懂體育,女性不適合擔任報導體育的角色,是否真的是如此呢?本研究欲探討國內的女性體育記者不為人知的職場經驗,瞭解女性在運動領域如何打拼、如何生存。 研究者使用深度訪談法,以自行編定的訪談大綱,向國內任職於報紙和電視媒體的十位女性體育記者進行訪談,目的在探討她們的處境現況、生涯阻礙與生存策略,並給予未來有志從事體育記者行業的女性一些建議。   女性體育記者大部分是基於興趣的動機,從事體育新聞工作,但主管會擔心女性因照顧家庭而無法應付體育記者的工作型態,且女性體育記者的出差機會比較少。在電視媒體方面,更喜歡挑選外貌姣好、口齒清晰的女性體育記者,做為體育主播,相較之下男性比較不需以外表取勝。在體育記者這個行業,男性與女性體育記者在媒體運作扮演不同功能的角色,男性被認為戰鬥力高於女性,聲線適合轉播運動賽事,女性則是在處理新聞較柔性,能削減體育新聞的剛硬調性,並且主要負責主播台的播報,經過曝光和主播經驗後,女性被挖角的機率較高。   歸納女性體育記者的生涯阻礙有下列因素:(一)語言能力(二)工作時間(三)體育環境不佳(四)興趣不合(五)寫作靈感(六)刻板印象(七)球場的女體禁忌(八)養育子女(九)與消息來源之互動。   女性體育記者的生存策略首要便是融入男性的生活。其次,需要顯示企圖心,以謙卑的態度,積極的工作,才有辦法將女性的優勢展現出來,尤其是女性在體育新聞寫作上有更細膩的處理,相較於男性重硬性數據資訊,且段落連貫性不夠,女性體育記者的說故事能力較好,擅長球員專訪,受訪者甚至認為女性其實應該比男性更適合寫體育新聞。最後,女性體育記者應該善加運用女性的親和力,待人親和讓女性體育記者成為消息來源照顧者或小妹妹的角色,拉近與消息來源的關係。   本研究建議媒體主管應去除對女性的一些無形門檻,達到真正的兩性平等。提供女性體育記者有更多職務嘗試的機會,相關的記者協會和運動賽事主辦單位應該制定一個賽前和賽後的正式採訪時間,並將運動場規劃為兩性平等之空間,破除對女性的一切迷信。


Sports journalists have been a male-dominated field for a long time. There are few females in this profession. In our society, there are some long-held stereotypes about females, such as misunderstanding sports and being not suitable for playing a role in covering sports. Is that true? This research examined the working experience of female journalists and tried to understand how women could survive in the sports journalism. A series of in-depth interviews with female sports journalists via semi-standardized questionnaire were collected. All of the interviewees were active sports journalists in newspapers and TV stations during research period. The purpose of interviews was to explore the current situation, career barriers and survival strategies of female sports journalists, as well as to give suggestions to those who want to engage in the sports industry. Most of female sports journalists had a personal interest motive of being a sports reporter. However, supervisors would worry about that women spend too much time taking care of families instead of taking care of their own jobs. In additions, women have fewer chances of a business trip. TV station prefers a good-looking and fluent-speaking female as a sports anchor. In the contrast, males didn’t rely on the outstanding appearance to get the job. Males and females were applied by sports media in different ways. The former was considered to be more batting and had a suitable voice to broadcast sports games. The latter was thought to deal with sports news more tactfully, so they could reduce the rigid tone of sports news. By the way, female sports journalists usually served as the anchor. Considering of the exposure and the anchor’s working experience, females were encouraged more job mobility behavior. The career barriers of female sports journalists are concluded as: foreign language ability, working hours, the bad sports environment, interest, inspiration of writing, stereotype, taboo of the court, children raising and the interaction with news sources. There were various survival strategies for female journalists. First of all, they tried to integrate into the way of male life. Secondly, they show the intention with humble attitudes, so that females could show their advantages. The pros of female journalist were that being good at attentive writing, coherent argument, storytelling and interviewing with athletes. As a consequence, some interviewees even believed that women were more qualified to be a sports reporter than men. Eventually, female journalists knew how to make a good use of their kindness. To treat people kindly made female sports journalists become either friendly or familiar with news sources. This study suggests that media supervisors should break the invisible limit for women and reach a truly gender equal. Meanwhile, the related associations of journalists and sponsors should provide women with fair opportunities and make official time for journalists to cover. Finally, try to make the stadiums an equal space for both genders so as to get rid of the female supervisions.


王月喬(2005)。貨櫃船上的性別政治: 女船副職場之處境。高雄醫學大學性別研  究所碩士論文。


