  • 學位論文


Investigation And Research On The Utilization Of Community Resources By The Kindergarten Teachers In Taipei City

指導教授 : 黃明月


摘 要 本研究主要目的是探討臺北市幼稚園教育人員運用社區資源之情形並比較不同背景因素的幼稚園教育人員對社區資源教育價值的認知、在教學中運用社區資源的方式、在教學上運用社區資源的類別、在教學上運用社區資源的困難因素及社區資源之運用的策略之差異情形。本研究以臺北市公立幼稚園教育人員共計546人為受試對象,有效問卷為446份。研究工具為自編「臺北市幼稚園教育人員運用社區資源之調查研究問卷」。所得資料以獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、卡方的百分比同質性考驗進行分析。所得結果如下: 一、不同個人背景因素的受試者對社區資源教育價值的認知之差異比較:除不同服務年資受試者對社區資源教育價值認知有顯著差異外,其餘均無顯著差異。 二、不同個人背景因素的受試者在教學中運用社區資源的方式之差異比較:各不同個人背景因素均無顯著差異。 三、不同個人背景因素的受試者在教學上運用社區資源的類別之差異比較:不同服務年資受試者對利用專業人士及利用商店上有顯著差異;不同班級數受試者對利用商店有顯著差異;不同所在區域受試者利用學生家長會有顯著差異外,其餘均無顯著差異。 四、不同個人背景因素的受試者在教學上運用社區資源的困難因素之差異比較:不同職務受試者在來自於教育人員(教師)方面的困難因素有顯著差異;不同教育程度受試者在來自於幼稚園方面的困難因素有顯著差異;不同班級數受試者來自於幼童方面的困難因素有顯著差異;不同所在區域受試者來自於幼稚園方面的困難因素有顯著差異外,其餘均無顯著差異。 五、不同個人背景因素的受試者運用社區資源可資運用的策略之差異比較:除不同教育程度受試者在教學上運用社區資源的策略有顯著差異外,其餘各不同個人背景因素均無顯著差異。 本研究對研究結果之應用及未來的研究方向提出具體的建議,以供教育相關單位及未來研究發展之參考。


社區 社區資源


Investigation And Research On The Utilization Of Community Resources By The Kindergarten Teachers In Taipei City By Chen, Mei-Chun Abstract The purposes of the research are as follow: to investigate the conditions of the community resources applied by the kindergarten teachers in Taipei city as well as to compare the recognition from different background teachers towards the educational value of the community resources; to study the distinction of methods, categories, difficulties and strategies utilized by the kindergarten teachers when they apply the community resources on their teaching. The research adopts “The Questionnaire Investigation on The Utilization of Community Resources by The Kindergarten Teachers in Taipei City”, which was distributed to 546 interviewees who are the teachers of the National Kindergarten in Taipei city, and 446 copies were valid. The data of the research is analyzed by using the independent sampling t test, One-Way ANOVA and Chi-Square. The results of the research are as follow: I. In relation to the comparison of the distinctive recognition towards the educational value of the community resources from different background interviewees: it shows that nothing is different, excluding the interviewees with different service years who have extremely distinctive recognition towards the educational value of the community resources. II. In relation to the comparison of the distinctive methods utilized by different background interviewees applying the community resources on teaching: it shows that nothing is different. III. In relation to the comparison of the distinctive categories utilized by different background interviewees applying the community resources on teaching: there is extremely distinction between the utilization of experts and stores based on different service years of each interviewee; there is extremely distinction in the utilization of stores based on different classes of each interviewee; there is extremely distinction in the utilization of parent associations based on different areas of each interviewee; excluding above mentioned, nothing is different. IV. In relation to the comparison of the distinctive difficulties from different background interviewees applying the community resources on teaching: the difficulty comes extremely from the teachers with different positions of each interviewee; the difficulty comes extremely from the kindergartens with different education degrees of each interviewee; the difficulty comes extremely from the kids for different numbers of classes that each interviewee teaches; the difficulty comes extremely from the kindergartens with different areas of each interviewee; excluding above mentioned, nothing is different. V. In relation to the comparison of the distinctive strategies from different background interviewees applying the community resources on teaching: it shows that nothing is different, excluding the interviewees with different education degrees who have extremely distinctive strategies in the application of the community resources. In addition to discussing and applying the results of the research, the suggestion is also submitted to the relevant education units as references and future research development.


community community resources




