  • 學位論文


Research on the Influences of Skill Test for Students of Department of Sheet Metal at Vocational High Schools on Teacher Practice Teaching

指導教授 : 劉克立


本研究旨在探討高職板金科教師在實習教學中,對參加專案技能檢定學生之輔導現況,其主要目的在瞭解專案技能檢定對教師實習教學之影響。並以調查研究法來蒐集資料及資料分析,以全國任教於高職板金科教師為母群,進行全面性普查。共寄出47份,回收42份問卷,總回收率為89.36%。資料分析利用SPSS12.0統計軟體,採次次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差、排序、卡方考驗、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析及雪費事後比較分析等統計方法。獲得研究結果如下: 一、不同教育程度之高職板金科教師對在校生專案技能檢定影響實習教學的相關因素,在「學生技能檢定的通過率」上呈現實習課程教學評量實施差異。 二、不同職務之高職板金科教師對在校生專案技能檢定影響實習教學的看法及相關因素上並無差異。 三、不同教學資歷之高職板金科教師對在校生專案技能檢定影響實習教學的看法及相關因素上並無差異。 四、不同任教科目之高職板金科教師對在校生專案技能檢定影響實習教學的看法及相關因素上並無差異。 五、擁有不同技術士證照之高職板金科教師對在校生專案技能檢定影響實習教學的相關因素,在「技能檢定舉辦的日期」上呈現實習課程教學進度差異。 六、是否具技能檢定監評資格之高職板金科教師對在校生專案技能檢定影響實習教學的相關因素,在「技能檢定舉辦的日期」上呈現實習課程教學進度差異。


技能檢定 板金科


The purpose of this study was to explore the influences of skill test for students of department of sheet metal at vocational high schools on teacher practice teaching. This research went through literature review and adopted questionnaire survey designs .This study chose the teachers of the sheet metal in vocational high schools as the studying subjects, and put in use of questionnaire survey, with 47 surveys mailed, 42 of which returned, and 89.36% being the rate of valid sampling. The statistic analyses SPSS 12.0 edition for windows software included frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, sorting, chi-square test, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Scheffe Post Hoc Multiple Comparisons. 1.There are significant differences in the factors of the different level of department of sheet metal at vocational high schools on teacher with skill test for students on teacher influence practice teaching correlation factor, on skill test passing rate. 2. There are no significant differences in the factors of the different duty of department of sheet metal at vocational high schools on teacher with skill test for students on teacher influence practice viewpoint and teaching correlation factor. 3. There are no significant differences in the factors of the different teaching resume of department of sheet metal at vocational high schools on teacher with skill test for students on teacher influence practice viewpoint and teaching correlation factor. 4. There are no significant differences in the factors of the different allow to teach a subject of department of sheet metal at vocational high schools on teacher with skill test for students on teacher influence practice viewpoint and teaching correlation factor. 5. There are significant differences in the factors of the different professional certificates of department of sheet metal at vocational high schools on teacher with skill test for students on teacher influence practice teaching correlation factor, on date of skill test holding. 6. There are significant differences in the factors of whether have the skill test review qualifications of department of sheet metal at vocational high schools on teacher with skill test for students on teacher influence practice teaching correlation factor, on date of skill test holding.




