  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 陳昭珍


網路社群因具有整合資訊的特性,因此近幾年來已廣泛應用在各種領域,本研究的目的是探討人文學研究者對網路社群的需求與使用經驗,進而對納西手稿網路社群雛形提供功能上的建議,以了解受訪者對專業網路社群之認知。 根據以上研究目的,本研究採用訪談法,以文獻探討所得之網路社群概念設計訪談大綱,以十位大專教師與十位大專院校學生為受訪對象,透過訪談過程了解二十位受訪者對網路社群之使用經驗,並對以納西手稿為主題建置之專業社群提供應用在研究或教學時的功能需求,最後研究者將對受訪結果進行分析與比較。 本研究發現,受訪教師使用網路社群類型以知識分享平台為主,如維基百科,受訪學生參與的社群類型則較為多元;受訪教師以了解學術資訊為使用社群的主要動機,學生則是為解決生活上的疑問;此外,教師主要透過檢索得知網路社群,學生則以同儕推薦為主;受訪者在社群中均以瀏覽資訊為目的,較少參與互動;與社群無關的意識形態問題及使用外文是受訪者參與社群時的困擾。對於研究者建立的納西研究社群雛形功能建議部份,受訪者不贊成在社群中有推舉專家的機制,對於網路社群提供即時通訊功能的接受程度也不同,此外他們認為若網路社群提供共同編輯功能,社群管理者的角色相形重要,他們也排斥過多的成員聯繫功能。 最後本研究根據受訪者對專業網路社群的需求提出以下建議:專業網路社群需有社群管理者,主要工作是將成員所提供的學術資訊進行認證與標示,並要求成員提供參考資料,以維護社群資訊的權威性;根據社群主題提供與成員學術相關的資訊,以滿足學術研究之需求。


With the feature of information integration, the virtual community has recently been widely applied. The purpose of this study is to identify the demands and experiences of humanities researchers in virtual community and provide functional suggestions for the prototype of the community for Naxi manuscript in order to realize the recognition of interviewees towards virtual professional community. Based on the above objectives, the approach of interview survey is framed with the concepts of virtual community conceived from literature review. The survey participants are ten college instructors and ten college students. The aim is to identify these twenty interviewees’ experiences in virtual community and the functional and instructional demands of the community on the theme of Naxi manuscript. Finally, the survey results are compared and analyzed. The research has indicated that the types of virtual community that interviewed instructors use are mainly the knowledge sharing platforms, such as Wikipedia. And the interviewed students have a more diverse type of community participations. The main motivation of the interviewed instructors utilizing the community is to data mine academic information while interviewed students are trying to solve problems of everyday life. In addition, the major channel that instructors get to know the virtual community is through website searching while students are through the referrals from colleagues. The purpose of interviewees in the community is to browse information rather than to interact with others. The ideological issues irrelevant to the community and non-first language utilization are the difficulties that interviewees have encountered. As for the functional suggestions of virtual community that studies Naxi manuscript, the interviewees disapprove the mechanism of professional’s recommendation, and the interviewees have different levels of acceptance on the function of instant messaging provided by the community. Besides, the interviewees consider that the role of community administrator is relatively important when the virtual community provides the function of co-editing while overloaded member contacts are repelled. In conclusion, this study proposes suggestions as follows: Virtual professional community requires the position of community administrator to identify and label the academic information provided by the members, request them to provide references to maintain the authority of the information and supply the members with the related according to the theme of the community in order to suffice for the demands of academic researches.


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