  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 林振春


摘 要 本研究主要目的以古蹟保存及再利用策略之研究之相關文獻為基礎,藉由文件分析及深度訪談方式進行研究,並以板橋林本源園邸為研究範例,以了解台北縣政府文化局之古蹟園區,於古蹟保存及再利用之過程及因應策略。 研究者對本研究設定之具體研究目的主要是:1.瞭解板橋林本源園邸古蹟保存發展脈胳、修復背景及狀況。2.瞭解板橋林本源園邸古蹟再利用之經營管理策略。3.瞭解板橋林本源園邸古蹟再利用之資源整合方式。4.瞭解板橋林本源園邸古蹟再利用之實施現況。5.瞭解板橋林本源園邸古蹟再利用之策略執行步驟。6.根據研究結果提出具體建議,供爾後相關學術研究或政策研擬之參考。  研究者認為板橋林本源園邸於古蹟維護的前提下,應擴大地方經營的場域,並串連地方社群有關之文化景點及地方產業等,開發更多提升營運效益的可能性;同時引進社區文教資源,連結地方文史工作室及文教產業等相關研究,達成古蹟文化推廣之成效,形塑社區文化生活共同體,再現板橋古老城市新風貌,建構板橋林本源園邸成為板橋地區文化觀光之主力。   於此主題之研究建議可分為四個部分,首先是政府部門之建議: 1.擴大古蹟保存到城市保存的整體觀念。2.弭平中央與地方行政資源差距。二、古蹟復原及再利用法規的相關配套:1.重新界定古蹟「復原」及「修復」的定義。2.古蹟再利用程序與法則,缺乏具體規範。3.明定再利用之經營管理辦法。三、解決私有古蹟權益衝突。四、加強傳統匠師培訓。


Abstract The thesis focuses on the preservation and reuse of monuments. Based on the relative documents and researches, the author takes “the Lin family mansion and garden” (Lin’s Garden) for example to describe the preservation, reuse strategy and the process of Cultural Affairs Bureau, Taipei County. There are six subjects of the study: 1. To realize the background, history and status of the preservation of the Lin’s Garden. 2. To understand the strategy of management and marketing in reusing the Lin’s Garden. 3. To finger out the resource integration of the Lin’s Garden. 4. To describe the applying condition of the reusing the Lin’s Garden. 5. To realize the reusing strategy and executive process. 6. According to the result, to provide the suggestion for the reference of relative research and policy making. Presuming to maintain the monument in Lin’s Garden, the author think that it should be enlarged the scope of management and marketing. In order to increase the management efficiency and achieve the culture development, it should link the local community, culture scenic spots, and relative industry and invite the community’s culture and education resource, such as the local culture-historic studio and industry. Therefore, the Lin’ Garden culture will integrate the cultural life communities and restore the new style of the Old Banqiao City, and become the key point of culture scenery industry in Banqiao. Finally, the thesis provides 4 parts of suggestions. First is for government departments: 1. Enlarge the concept and scope from conserving historic building to whole city. 2. To eliminate the resource difference between central and local governments. Second is for the principles and standards of monuments reuse: 1. Re-define the definition of “ repair” and “ renovate” 2. To clarify the rules and process of monuments reuse. Third is for solving the confliction of rights and benefits of private historic building and monuments. Last is for the education of the craftsman of the traditional skill.




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