  • 學位論文


The study of preschoolers' television viewing in two families

指導教授 : 廖鳳瑞


摘要 本研究以參與觀察法瞭解兩個家庭的大班雙胞胎幼兒在家收看電視的情形,也透過訪談幼兒父母及幼兒,探究學齡前幼兒收視行為的意義。本研究重要的發現有以下幾點: 一、幼兒的收視行為會受到家庭脈絡的影響,本研究兩個家庭的大班幼兒其收視行為在截然不同的家庭脈絡中呈現出非常不一樣的面貌來。 二、本研究歸納出兩個家庭的大班幼兒其收視行為皆受到家庭脈絡中四個具直接影響力的因素影響,包括: (一)手足互動:手足間的權力關係、互動模式會影響到幼兒與手足共視時掌控收視與節目選擇的情況。 (二)父母對電視的互動與教養:父母對孩子收看電視的看法與其介入孩子收視行為的方式,會對幼兒的收視行為有影響。 (三)收看電視外的其他活動:孩子在家除了看電視外,是否有其他活動可供選擇、參與,較多活動可供參考的家庭,孩子收視時數會自然較少。 (四)家中收看電視的場所:收看電視的場所是隱密性高或開放性高,會影響到父母對孩子收視行為的監控程度。 此四種因素間彼此也存在相互影響的關係,且這些因素可以尋溯至受更大的家庭經濟、父母教養觀念等鉅觀因素之影響。 三、本研究結果指出,即使是大班的年幼兒童不是被動收看電視的受害者,而是具有主動性的收視觀眾,且收看電視只是孩子生活中的一部份,當有更有趣的遊戲或其他活動提供幼兒選擇、參與,孩子自然不會成為重度收視者。 關鍵字:學齡前幼兒、收視行為、家庭脈絡


Abstract The study was to investigate how preschoolers’watching television in family. Through participative observation, the researcher understood the actual state of two pairs of five-year-old twins from two families watching TV at home, and then interviewed with these children and their parents to know their opinions about watching television. The main conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. Television viewing of these two pairs of twins differed from their divergent family context. It showed that the television viewing of preschooler(s) would be affected byfamily context. 2. There are four effective factors about family context affecting television viewing of preschoolers, as following: (a) Sibling interaction: The power and the interaction style between siblings would affect the conditions of television viewing and the choice of television program when the siblings watch television together. (b) The attitude, the interaction and the parenting belief about television viewing from their parents: Their Parents’ opinions and mediation about television viewing of children would influence children’s TV watching behavior. (c) Other activities excluding television viewing: If there are more domestic activities except for watching TV which could be participated and chosen by children, the average daily hours of television viewing of preschoolers will be less. (d)The space of television viewing: the space where the children watch TV will influence the parents monitor the condition of the children’s television viewing. Actually, the above factors about family context not only influence on the television viewing directly, but also affect each other. Furthermore, these four effective factorscould be tracked to macro factors, such as family economic status and parenting beliefs. 3. The Results obtained from this study is that the television viewing of 5-years old children were active. It is only a part of their life, When there are more interesting activities provided for them and children have more freedom to play, automatically they won’t become heavy viewers.


何佳芬(譯)(2007)。D. A. Christakis & F. J. Zimmerman著。客廳裡的大象:讓電視成為孩子學習發展的助力(The elephant in the living room:make television work for your kids)。台北市:九周。


