  • 學位論文


Pasta chain restaurant space and image design The Creation Research

指導教授 : 梁桂嘉


連鎖餐廳在經營成長的過程中,能夠成功打造品牌形象是困難的,因此連鎖餐廳如何以品牌形象設計、利用空間設計來造就和傳達餐廳品牌形象特性,以突顯出個別差異性尤為重要。論文利用創作設計艾隆義式麵食館餐廳,為餐廳帶來更多的利潤。 隨著台灣愈來愈國際化,街頭到處可見個性化、多樣化的連鎖餐廳、咖啡店,好的現象是讓消費大眾有許多樣選擇口味,有機會品嚐不同國家的特色美食,壞現象會使的消費民眾在消費之後對於商店印象模糊。台灣餐飲業經營長久以來面臨的主要問題,如微利化、缺乏自有品牌等問題,不僅未獲解決,甚至已經形成成長的障礙。研究的目的即為改善空間設計及提升品牌形象等作法來加強餐廳的競爭力。 本研究是將設計「艾隆義式麵食館」餐廳的案例,分析空間設計、規劃品牌形象,利用3D圖來表現空間、企業CI設計來提升商業模式,以創造無可取代的品牌價值。另外以案例介紹分析台灣85度C咖啡連鎖店、星巴克咖啡連鎖店、星期五餐廳,藉以在連鎖餐廳的這個範疇,其相互之間內部環境的差異性,及流行文化內涵發展影響,讓業者在經營上作為參考之用。 台灣的中小企業即使走上品牌路多年,仍然比較擅長生產商品,對於設計水準較不重視,即使被消費者納入考慮購買,也可能因缺乏自己的特色,競爭能力相對有限,本研究依據餐廳特色作重新規劃設計,將好的品牌形象傳給顧客,達到提升可能領導市場的競爭優勢。


空間設計 品牌 設計 中小企業


It is difficult to establish successful brand image while chain restaurants are growing. Therefore, the most important things for chain restaurants are how to use brand design and spatial design to establish the special characteristics of their restau-rant brands, so these characteristics can help highlights each restaurant’s individual differences. In this study, we want to bring more profits for 〝Aron Italian style pasta Hall 〞restaurant by creative design of the restaurant. As Taiwan is becoming more and more globalized, streets everywhere in Taiwan are full of chain restaurants and coffee shops with individual characteristics and di-versity. The advantage of this scenario is that it allows consumers to have a large va-riety of options for tasting different types of unique and delicious foods from differ-ent countries. On the other hand, the disadvantage is that the consumers are not left with a deep impression of any particular restaurant after being exposed to a large se-lection of dinning environments that have no their own individual styles. Further-more, obstacles such as shrinking profit margins, lack of one’s own brand and other issues continue to prevent the restaurant businesses in Taiwan from growing. So purpose of the study will be the improvement of the space in design, brand enhance-ment and other practices to improve the competitiveness of the restaurant. In this study, we showed the design model of "Aron Italian style pasta Hall" restaurant to analyze the space design and brand planning, use 3D graph to represent space, and design corporate CI to enhance business models. This conver-sion has helped create irreplaceable brand values. In addition, we can also provide business owners with related recommendations on introduction and analysis of the cases of 85 Degrees C coffee chain stores, Starbucks coffee chain stores, and T.G. I. Friday’s restaurant in Taiwan, and from the area of chain restaurants, we can see these restaurants are different between the internal environment, and content of popular culture can impact of restaurant development. Taiwanese small and medium-sized businesses have always focused on making good-quality products in the past and neglected the importance of product design. Due to their lack of unique characteristics will make their competitiveness relatively limit even though the products were under the consumers’ consideration. This re-search is re-planning and re-designs of the restaurant based on restaurant characteris-tics, then a good brand image will pass on customers. Furthermore, the restaurant may take advantage of competitiveness to lead the market.


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張亦忻(2017)。從品牌形象構成探討連鎖餐飲之空間設計 —以薩莉亞連鎖餐廳為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201700428
