  • 學位論文


Study on Printability of Lithography via Green Materials Application

指導教授 : 陳忠輝 王健華


為倡導環保與永續發展的概念,印刷業正逐步往「綠色科技」之路邁進,如在整個印刷程序中,應用「綠色材料」來完成產品印製,而其中最重要的,即油墨與紙張選擇的考量。 本研究利用紫外線黃豆油墨與經森林管理委員會認證紙張組合做衡量指標。使用平版印刷適性儀進行測試,探討滿版濃度、疊印能力、色相差、灰度值與色域範圍等印刷品質,並將實驗結果進行分析與討論。獲致結論如下: 一、滿版濃度:紙張光澤度是主要的影響因素;光澤度愈高,滿版濃度愈高,但尚受到紙張基重與嵩度的影響。 二、疊印能力:紙張光澤度是主要的影響因素;光澤度愈高,疊印能力表現愈好,不過會受到紙張基重與嵩度的影響。 三、色相差:紙張光澤度是主要的影響因素;光澤度愈高,色相差表現相對愈好,然而紙張基重與嵩度的影響也很重要。 四、灰度值:紙張光澤度是主要的影響因素;光澤度愈高,灰度值相對的也愈好。 五、色域範圍:紙張光澤度不是主要的影響因素,而與紙張的平滑度有關。 本研究乃提供相關學界與業界在評估平版印刷適性與開發綠色材料之參考。


In order to advocate environmental protection and the concept of sustainable development, the printing industry is gradually developing as “green technology”. For example, green materials are applied through the whole printing process; among all, the most important concern is the selection of ink and paper. In this research, UV Soy Ink and paper certificated by the Forest Stewardship Council will be used as indicators for the experiments using Lithographic Printability Tester to discuss printing quality, including solid ink density, trapping, hue error, gray value and color gamut. After further analysis and discussion, the results are concluded as followed: 1. Solid Ink Density: Gloss is the main influencing factor; the paper being glosser, the density is higher. However, the results are also influenced by basis weight and bulk of the paper. 2. Trapping: Gloss is the main influencing factor; the paper being glosser, the trapping ability is better. However, the results are influenced by basis weight and bulk of the paper as well. 3. Hue Error: Gloss is the main influencing factor; the paper being glosser, the hue error occurred less. However, the results are influenced by basis weight and bulk of the paper as well. 4. Gray Value: Gloss is the main influencing factor; the paper being glosser, the gray value is netter. 5. Color Gamut: Gloss is not the main influencing factor but the smoothness of the paper. The research aims to provide reference for scholars and the industry when assessing lithographic printability and developing green materials.


李炳叡(2006)。木材加工產品製造業導入FSC CoC認證之因素探討。國立嘉義大學森林暨自然資源研究所碩士論文,未出版,嘉義市。
