  • 學位論文


A study of young children’s interpretation of a cartoon story: A comparison of children from two different socioeconomic backgrounds

指導教授 : 賴文鳳


本研究旨在瞭解不同社經背景幼兒對卡通故事的觀點,以重述故事檢視兩組幼兒於故事理解的差異,並探討兩組幼兒對故事中人物角色的行為和內心感受之解讀,以及對人物角色與整體故事之評鑑。本研究對象為40名5-6歲幼兒,20位來自低社經家庭,20位來自中高社經家庭。本研究採用訪談法蒐集幼兒的卡通故事觀點,訪談包含兩部分,一為重述卡通故事,二為半結構訪談,前者欲得知幼兒對卡通故事的理解程度,後者欲瞭解幼兒對卡通故事之人物角色、情節的個人想法。將透過Stein&Glenn(1979)故事文法結構作為幼兒重述卡通故事所得語料之計分的編碼項目,並以t考驗瞭解兩組對卡通故事的理解是否有顯著的差異。幼兒的回答半結構訪談問題之內容依各題項歸類,進行類屬分析,比較兩組幼兒之卡通故事觀點。本研究發現摘要如下: 一、兩組幼兒對卡通故事的理解並無顯著差異,皆以「背景」最高,低社經幼兒以「結果」的重述最少,而中高社經幼兒以「內在反應」的重述最少。 二、兩組幼兒多以人物角色之「具體行為」來解讀事件有無達成及人物角色之內心感受,並多以「下一個行為」來解讀「上一個」行為的動機。 三、兩組幼兒最喜歡的人物角色為兒童,最不喜歡的人物角色為成人,並多以人物角色的「外貌」與「行為」作為喜愛與否的基準。 四、兩組幼兒喜歡該卡通片的主因多為理解程度較高之「劇情」,其次是「過去的收視經驗」。 五、中高社經幼兒比低社經幼兒較能提出不同於片中對事件的解決方法。


This study aimed to understand how children from two socioeconomic backgrounds interpreted a cartoon story. Through the method of story-retelling, this study attempted to compare participants’ understanding of cartoon characters’ actions, and internal feelings. This study also compared participants’ overall evaluation of the cartoon story. 40 five-year-old children participated in the study, 20 from low socioeconomic families, 20 from middle and high socio-economic families. This study used interviews to collect children’s interpretations of the cartoon story. Interviews consisted of two parts; first for retelling the cartoon story and second semi-structured interviews. The former was designed to know children's understanding of the cartoon story, the latter to know children’s thoughts of cartoon characters and plots. Based on Stein & Glenn (1979) story grammar theory, story-retelling data were coded. Answers of semi-structured interview were coded according to their themes. T-tests were conducted to compare group differences. The results are as the following. 1.There was no significant difference in participants’ understanding of the story. Both groups of participants received highest scores in the code of "setting.” Low SES participants scored the least in the code of “result,” whereas high SES in the code of “internal state.” 2.Both groups used “concrete behaviors” to interpret whether characters achieved their internal feelings. They often used consecutively next behavior to interpret the character’s motivations of former behavior. 3.Both groups’ favorite characters are children. They both didn’t like adult characters. The reasons for their preferences of characters were based on characters’ appearances and behaviors. 4.Both groups of participants selected their favorite cartoons based their understanding the plots; the second most frequent reason was whether they watched the cartoons or not. 5.High SES children were more frequently than low socioeconomic children can provide solutions to problems in the cartoon.




