  • 學位論文

當代藝術之圖文傳播現象研究—以後現代主義藝術家Barbara Kruger的創作為例

The Study of Contemporary Art and Graphic Communication Phenomenon —Take Post-Modernism Artist Barbara Kruger As An Example

指導教授 : 林素惠


二十一世紀的人類已進入數位匯流的網絡時代,現今社會裡可以看見各種形式的傳播媒介散播著最新訊息。傳播的廣度與深度相較以往已大幅改善,它們持續扮演文化傳承中介者的角色,如今也成為藝術創作媒材的來源,為藝術表演搭建一個多元舞台。傳播科技除了可以推動藝術創意的延展,本身更融入藝術創作裡,拼貼、跨領域與複合媒材等後現代特質,使得當代藝術呈現更多元的面向。本論文試圖透過後現代主義論點與傳播理論,解析為社會大眾帶來不同認知與創新美感的當代藝術,讓觀者可以經由當代藝術家的創作與觀點,了解受到傳播媒介所呈現的日常生活奇觀。 Barbara Kruger因循其媒體工作背景善用廣告意味的圖文符號進行創作,在當代藝術領域裡擁有特殊地位。本研究即以這位擁有後現代主義特質的藝術家作為研究對象。從她在藝術創作中加入簡潔鮮明的文字與圖像元素,充分運用其生活經驗,搭配傳播媒介來探討政治方面、女性運動等與人們息息相關的社會議題。並藉由室內展場、公共空間與生活商品作為她表現藝術理念的平台。因此,本研究透過文獻分析法進行相關資料的蒐集、彙整與分析;搭配專家學者的深度訪談進行比較與檢視。希望以Barbara Kruger為例,闡述當代藝術家、觀眾和圖文傳播現象的關連,並提出三者之間的傳播模式以及其未來發展的可能方向。


Human beings have been connected with the context of digital convergence in the 21th century. The newest messages are diffused by kinds of communication medium. The wideness and depth of communication has been much better than before. They keep playing the medium role in culture passing, and they also have been the media source of artistic work to build up a diverse stage of artistic performance. Communication technology not only promotes artistic idea extension, but also mixes with artistic work. Contemporary art expresses more aspects due to post-modern characters such as collage, uncertainty, and mix. The research tries to analyze with contemporary art that brings about the different cognition and creative aesthetic feeling to mass according to postmodernism and communication theory. Let people know the daily life spectacle that media presented according to the contemporary artist’s work and viewpoint. Barbara Kruger well uses graphic symbols to create art works due to the media working background, so she owns a particular position in contemporary art field. Then, the research takes Post-modernism artist Barbara Kruger as study example. She adds simple and bright element of words and pictures. She well-manages her life experience and discusses with politics, feminist movement, and lots of social issues with communication media. Interior display, public space and lively merchandise are her creative canvas. As a result, the study would documentary analysis to collect data, and compare with the deeply-interview to experts and scholars. It would hope to find out the connection between the contemporary artist and public mass under graphic communication phenomenon according to Barbara Kruger and two research methods. Finally, the research hopes it can conclude the interactive communication mode and future development vision among three of them.


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