  • 學位論文


The Study on Educational Training Programs and it’s Satisfaction of the Foster Parents

指導教授 : 林美和


本研究旨在瞭解單一組織寄養父母及其接受組織教育訓練的實況,探討寄養父母對組織98年教育訓練方案規劃、執行與應用的同意度與滿意度,並比較不同背景變項寄養父母對於教育訓練同意度或滿意度之差異情形。本研究的問卷係根據相關文獻分析,並輔以前導訪談結果而編製,以調查之寄養家庭,有實際照顧兒少且服務已滿一年的「主要照顧者」為研究對象。調查方式採用普查與郵寄,總計發送正式問卷98份,回收有效問卷84份,有效回收率86%;將問卷蒐集之資料以SPSS統計軟體進行描述統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行分析。 本研究獲致以下結論: 一、本研究樣本以有宗教信仰、資深服務之中年寄養父母居多有助照顧兒少的穩定性。 二、寄養父母對教育訓練規劃的同意度與教育訓練辦理的滿意度皆高。 三、不同教育程度,以及有無宗教信仰寄養父母對「寄養服務認知」之同意度有顯著差異。 四、不同教育程度,以及有無宗教信仰、有無照顧特殊兒少經驗與意願之寄養父母皆對「寄養服務工作助益」之滿意度有顯著差異。 五、不同照顧年資寄養父母對「教學方式」滿意度有顯著差異。 六、本研究單一組織所在地區之專業寄養家庭比例雖比其他地區高但仍不足。 七、照顧特殊兒少之寄養父母已近一成有放棄的念頭。 並根據結論,分別對相關的民間組織、政府單位及未來研究提出建議供參。


寄養父母 教育訓練 滿意度


The purpose of the study is to know the foster parents’ acceptance of educational training, as well as discuss their agreement and satisfaction on the planning, executive and application of educational training from single organization. Besides, the study compares the differences of the foster parents’ satisfaction on educational training from different background. The questionnaire design of this study was referred to the relevant literature, and the results of pilot study. They are 98 primary caregivers qualified foster families from single organization, who have already served for one year and have actually taken care of the foster children and adolescents. 84 questionnaires were considered valid, and the effective rate was 86%. The data were then analyzed by SPSS software using methods such as descriptive statistics, T test, and one-way ANOVA. The conclusions of the study are as follows: 1. The majority of foster parents in the study haveing religious, senior service and middle-age are benefits in the stability of taking care of children and adolescents. 2. The foster parents both have a high agreement and a high satisfaction on planning of educational training. 3.The foster parents of different level of education and having religious or not, have significant differences in the agreement of the cognition of foster service. 4. The foster parents of different level of education, haveing religious or not, and haveing experience and will of taking care of special children and adolescents or not, all have significant differences in the satisfaction of benefits to foster service. 5. The foster parents of different care years have significant differences in the satisfaction of teaching methods. 6. The percent of single organization’ local professional foster family on this study although is higher than the other area, but still is not enough. 7. Almost 10% of the foster parents who take care of special children and adolescents have thinking of giving up. The results were used as references to propose suggestions to relevant private organizations, retired government departments as well as future studies.




張嗣武(2014)。教育訓練滿意度與組織承諾關聯性之研究- 以環境工程業員工為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2014.00859
