  • 學位論文


Judgment and Comprehension of Humorous Commercial Films in Different Gender of Junior high and senior high school Students

指導教授 : 伊彬


本研究旨在探討不同性別之國中九年級以及高中二年級青少年對於情感機制、認知機制、社會機制三類幽默影像廣告的評價、理解程度等資訊。本研究採2(年齡)× 2(性別)×3(分類)實驗設計,要求參與者觀看三類幽默影像廣告並填寫結構式問卷。研究結果顯示:1. 幽默廣告的理解在年齡上產生差異:高中二年級對幽默廣告的理解程度均高於國中九年級,而女性理解程度亦高於男性;2. 幽默評價程度:在「情感機制」、「認知機制」與「社會機制」當中,女生比男生有更高的幽默評價,而國中九年級幽默評價高於高二;3. 三機制幽默廣告間:「情感機制」的幽默廣告理解最高,「認知機制」的幽默廣告理解最低;4. 三機制幽默廣告間:「情感機制」的幽默廣告評價最高,「認知機制」次之「社會機制」評價最末。


This study aims at understanding the humor judgment and comprehension in different gender of adolescents (nine-grade) and (eleven-grade) on humorous advertisements, classified into affective, cognitive, and social types. The study controlled 2 variables, which are the “types of advertisements” and “questionnaire”.Through a 2(age)×2(gender)× 3(types)experiment, the participants were requested to watch the stimuli and respond to a structured questionnaire.(1) Humor comprehension: The rate of humorous comprehension in G-11 students is higher than G-9 students, and female is significantly higher than male (2) Humor judgment: In affective, cognitive and social types, female is significantly higher than male,and G-9 is higher than G-11. (3) Between three types, affective type has the highest rate in humor comprehension. Cognitive type has the lowest rate in humor comprehension. (4) Between three types, affective type has the highest rate in humor preferences; cognitive second and social type has the lowest rate in humor preferences. The results collected can be used as advertisement design reference data in future.


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