  • 學位論文


The influence of the order of teaching scientific history and concepts on students' epistemological beliefs and learning

指導教授 : 劉湘瑤


本研究針對高中一年級基礎物理「光電效應」單元,設計三組教學方式:「科學史─科學概念教學」(後稱歷史概念組)、「科學概念─科學史教學」(後稱概念歷史組)以及「傳統教學」(後稱對照組),探討科學史教學對學生學習的影響以及科學史教學和概念學習的順序關係。本研究共270人,每組90人。利用研究工具「科學認識觀問卷」、「科學學習動機問卷」、「隨堂學習單」並分析學生小考和段考成績,「科學認識觀問卷」和「科學學習動機問卷」以相依樣本t考驗和MANCOVA分析,「科學概念問卷」以ANOVA分析。 結果發現,在科學概念問卷中,三組學生無顯著差異,顯示相較於傳統教學,科學史教學並未對學生產生不利影響;在科學認識觀問卷中,概念歷史組有最佳成效,對照組則顯著退步;科學學習動機問卷中,各組均有退步趨勢,顯示學生學習動機下降;在學生對光電效應單元的看法中,概念歷史組和對照組均顯著優於歷史概念組,顯示不恰當的教學順序可能造成學生學習受挫。實驗結果顯示出概念歷史組的教學成效最好,歷史概念組對光電效應課堂看法觀感最差,對照組科學認識觀顯著下降,顯示恰當的教學順序能促進學生學習,不恰當的順序則導致學生學習認知負荷增加,建議進行科學史融入教學前學生可先行學習科學概念。


This research aims to examine the learning achievement, the view of nature of science and the learning motivation of high school students on scientific study. Taking Photoelectric Effect as the subject, three teaching approaches, History Of Science - Scientific Concept (HOS-SC group), Scientific Concept - The History of Science (SC – HOS group) and Traditional Teaching (control group), have been designed to inspect the influence of the teaching order of scientific history and scientific concepts on students’ learning achievement and epistemological beliefs and learning motivation. In this research, 270 students were selected and separated into three groups to perform the study. The results show that, there are no significant differences between the three groups of students in the scientific concept questionnaire. In the view of scientific epistemology questionnaire, however, there is a considerable improvement of the students in the SC-HOS group and a notable deterioration of the students in the control group. This indicates that in the teaching of Photoelectric Effect, students show a negative reaction to the HOS-SC method. With regards to the influence on learning motivation, all three groups present a declination. Overall, the SC-HOS teaching approach demonstrates the advantage on the teaching in which the suggestion would be the appropriate of order of teaching scientific history and concepts can improve students’ learning.


傅大為(2001)。X Rated 物理教育?。物理雙月刊。23(1)。
