  • 學位論文


Research of the Operation and Future Development in Dance Foundations

指導教授 : 王宗吉


國立台灣師範大學體育學系碩士論文 舞蹈類基金會營運與未來發展之研究 研究生:林智偉 指導教授:王宗吉 摘 要 本研究旨在探討舞蹈類基金會營運現況與未來發展方向,為瞭解舞蹈類基金會成立之背景與扮演之角色功能、營運情形、未來發展方向等三個部份。本研究透過結構化開放式的訪談與文獻方式來蒐集蔡瑞月文化基金會、原舞者文化藝術基金會、雲門舞集文教基金會以及台灣樂舞文教基金會之相關資料,並以從事上述基金會內部工作之有關人員為訪談對象,進行內容分析與探討,結果發現: 一、舞蹈類基金會成立之背景與扮演的角色功能:「成立背景」有人民權利的覺醒、政府活動的不足、志願主義、社會思潮的影響等四項;「扮演之角色功能」則有自我實現、服務提供、帶動社會變遷、價值維護、推動公共政策與利益、協助政府之功能等六項。 二、舞蹈類基金會營運之情形:「組織架構與型態」方面,基金會組織形式擁有較穩定條件,為長期經營發展使命之有利型態;「董事會參與情形」方面,決策情偏向權力分享的狀態,能依循使命達成共識;「人力資源」方面,未有完整規劃內容,因環境特質與體制,無法提供完善薪資、福利、教育訓練,故在招募選用受到相當限制,應以專業人才獲得與後續長期培養為首重;「財務管理」方面,需有效運用資源,達成社會責任與使命,重視組織穩定及長期發展,非追求財富最大化;「活動企劃與執行」方面,內容有古蹟推動與經營、舞蹈創作與演出、舞蹈史料整建蒐集、學術研討會辦理,中長期規劃則需主動企劃,慢慢脫離被動接受委託,才能自主規劃與執行;「行銷與公共關係」方面,要以「使命」特色與優勢面對各資源與活動的經營,分辨及滿足市場與服務對象的需要,將方向行動與公眾利益結合,爭取社會大眾的瞭解與接受,促使永續接觸,發揮行銷與公共關係的效益。 三、舞蹈類基金會未來發展方向:「發展困境」上,在於內部資源不足,限制所能發揮的功能。專業人力與能力的不足及財務來源不穩定,是影響最大的因素,另有大環境改變與政治力介入,需要調整與因應各種突發狀況;「未來發展」部分,將形成專業與非專業融合情形、舞蹈公共議題的增進、充份展現民間力量促使專業化分工更為精緻細膩、引進更多經營管理的理念及作法、與相似組織、政府部門及企業界之競爭跟合作關係會越來越明顯。 關鍵詞:舞蹈類基金會、營運、發展


舞蹈類基金會 營運 發展


National Taiwan Normal University Physical Education Department Master Degree’s Thesis Research of the Operation and Future Development in Dance Foundations Graduate Student: Lin Chih-Wei Adviser: Wang Tsung-Ji Abstract The study aims to investigate the operation and future development of dance foundations in Taiwan. It focuses on three parts, including the dance foundations’ background, operation, and future development. A standardized open-ended questionnaire was adopted to collect and analyze the data of Tasi Jui-yueh Culture Foundation of Taipei City, The Formosa Indigenous Dance Foundation of Culture and Arts, Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan, and Taiwan Traditional Music and Dance Foundation of Culture and Education. Besides, the subjects of this study are the workers from these foundations. The results of the study contribute to three conclusions. 1.The background and functions of the dance foundations: The dance foundations rise because of people’ awareness of their rights, the insufficiency of the government’s art activity, voluntarism, and the influence of the social trends. The dance foundations have functions of self-fulfilling, offering service, changing the society, protecting values, affecting the public policy and elaborating for public benefit. 2.The operation of the dance foundations: In terms of “the administrational structure,” the dance foundations are stable to develop and carry out a long-term mission. From the perspective of “the participation of the board,” the policy-making process depends on the power-sharing arrangement so that a consensus is easy to reach based on the long-term mission. In the aspect of “human source,” it is not so easy to recruit employees for immature projects. In addition, the particular environment and system make it impossible to provide their workers complete compensation packages, benefit fringe, or training courses. Therefore, the dance foundations should make efforts to hire and cultivate the professional workers for a long period of time. In “the management of financial affairs,” the dance foundations need to apply resources efficiently to achieve social responsibilities and missions. At the same time, they ought to stable the organization and make a long-term development, not pursue the greatest interest. “The plan and execution of activities” included the promotion and management of the historic monument, the creation and performance of dance, the collection of the documents and records about dance, and holding the academic conferences. The medium- and long-term projects should be planed positively, not just accept directions passively. In terms of “the marketing and public relations,” the dance foundations have to face every resource and activity with the features and superiority of the “mission.” On the other hand, they should also understand and satisfy the need of the market and the subjects they serve. In this way, the dance foundations can not only combine their objections with the public benefit but also make the public understand and accept them. Consequently, they can keep a long-term relationship with the public and make a profit from the marketing and the public relation. 3. The future development of the dance foundations: “The difficulties of the future development” are caused by the insufficient internal resources which limits the functions of the dance foundations. For example, lack of professional workers, relative capacity, or financial support all gives rise to many problems. Besides, with the change of the society and the invasion of the political power, the dance foundations have to adjust themselves for many emergent occasions. “The future development” analyzes the fusions of specialty and non-specialty and the raise of a public issue about dance. In addition, it is very important to use the people’s power to make division of labor more specialized. If the foundations can get more ideas of management from other countries, the competition between the relative departments in the government and industry will become more and more intense. Keywords : Dance Foundations, Operation, Development


Dance Foundations Operation Development




