  • 學位論文


A Study On The Natural Park User Leisure Benefit and Leisure Satisfaction–An example Of Taipei Fuyang park

指導教授 : 朱文增


台北市都會的快速發展,人口密度提高,伴隨著是戶外開放空間及綠地的日益減少,致使休閒空間嚴重不足。本研究想透過民眾對台北市首座自然森林公園的使用,對富陽公園使用者進行有關「休閒效益」、「休閒滿意度」「人口統計變項及行為屬性」三部份的調查,以了解其休閒效益及休閒滿意度。休閒效益包含「生理效益」、「心理效益」、「社交效益」及「自我實現效益」四個構面,休閒滿意度包含「心理層面」、「教育層面」、「社交層面」、「放鬆層面」、「體能層面」及「審美層面」六個構面。 本研究採問卷調查法,研究工具包含休閒效益量表及休閒滿意度量表,共發放420份,有效問卷回收412份,回收率為98.0%,所得資料以獨立樣本t考驗及單因子變異數分析進行分析考驗。研究結果發現: 一、不同人口統計變項之自然公園使用者對休閒效益體驗,未因性別、婚姻狀況及個人月收入而有差異,其餘包括年齡、教育程度、職業及居住地等四項變項,均存在顯著差異。 二、不同人口統計變項之自然公園使用者對休閒滿意度的感受,未因性別而有差異,其餘包括年齡、婚姻狀況、教育程度、職業、個人月收入及居住地等六項變項,均存在顯著差異。 三、不同行為屬性之自然公園使用者對休閒效益體驗,會因同伴類型、交通工具、所需交通時間、使用頻率、活動時段、每次活動時間、選擇來富陽公園的原因/動機對公園屬性認知等八項變項,均存在顯著差異。 四、不同行為屬性之自然公園使用者的休閒滿意度,會因同伴類型、交通工具、所需交通時間、使用頻率、活動時段、每次活動時間、選擇來富陽公園的原因/動機對公園屬性認知等八項變項,均存在顯著差異。 不同之人口統計變項及行為屬性,會產生不同休閒效益之體驗及休閒滿意度,且48.3%的公園使用者認為來富陽公園活動的主要原因是為享受自然環境。在自然綠地越來越稀少的台北都會,本研究結果期能提供主管機關為日後規劃自然公園之參考依據,讓都會居民擁有享受自然的景觀環境,提昇休閒之效益。


As a result of rapid metropolitan development and the increasing population density, open zone and green space in Taipei City are compressed constantly and seriously lacks of leisure area. This study aims at understanding the leisure benefits and leisure satisfaction of Fu-Yang Park, the first leisure park in Taipei, through poll. The contents of the poll are leisure benefit, leisure satisfaction, and statistical population variables. Leisure benefit includes physical benefit, psychological benefit, social benefit, and self-realization. Leisure satisfaction includes psychological aspect, educational aspect, social aspect, relaxation aspect, physical strength aspect, and appreciation of beauty aspect. This research picks the questionnaire survey law, studies the tool to contain the leisure benefit meter and leisure satisfaction meter, altogether provides 420, effectively asked the volume recycles 412, the returns-ratio is 98.0%, obtained material by t-test and one way ANOVA . Finally in this research found four aspects below: 1. The different population statistic on the natural park user has a part of existence to the leisure benefit experience to reveal the difference. 2. The different population statistic on the natural park user mostly exists to the leisure satisfaction reveals the difference. 3. Natural park user the different behavior attribute exists to the leisure benefit experience reveals the difference. 4. Natural park user's the different behavior attribute leisure degree of satisfaction exists reveals the difference. This research counts the recycling effectively to asking volume 412, the findings are : the different population statistic and the behavior attribute, can have the different leisure benefit; 48.3% parks users who there the main reason Fuyang park to enjoy the natural environment. In nature green less scarce Taipei will be able, May be the research can provide the reference for the government, will let the inhabitant more enjoys the natural landscape environment, and increase the benefit of the promotion leisure.


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