  • 學位論文


A study of the Influence of the workshop-based teaching method on students’ learning effects

指導教授 : 陳文典


摘 要 本研究旨在探討研討式教學法對於國中生學習成效之影響。其中,學習成效又區分為學習成就與學習興趣程度等兩個面向,研究對象則為兩個國中二年級普通班。在研究工具部分,除於實施過程中以錄音記錄學生學習狀況與發言頻次外,並在實驗結束後施以「學習成就評量」以及「學習興趣問卷」,以比較兩班在不同教學法下,學習成就表現與學習興趣程度是否有所不同。研究結果發現實驗組在實施研討式教學法後,學習成就表現優於對照組但未達顯著水準(P>0.05),但以成績分佈在中高得分群與中低得分群學生來比較,則發現實驗組成績顯著優於對照組(P<0.05)。在發言頻次探討時,發現實施研討式教學法後學生發言頻次增加,且學生學習成就表現與發言頻次有顯著相關(P<0.05),但發言頻次越多者在學習成就評量中並沒有進步較多的傾向。在學習興趣程度上,實驗組後測成績優於前測成績但未達顯著水準(P>0.05),而在組間學習興趣差異顯著性分析時可發現實驗組學習興趣程度顯著優於對照組(P<0.05),且主要差異是在課堂參與度與課後學習表現上(P<0.05)。 關鍵詞:研討式教學法、學習成就、學習興趣。


Abstract The goal of this research is to explore the influence of the workshop-based teaching method on students’ learning effects. Two ordinary eighth-grade classes are selected as research subjects, and the learning effects are divided into two aspects which are learning achievement and learning interest. During the process, tape-recording is used to document the situation of learning and the speaking frequency of students. After the experiment, an examination and a questionnaire of learning interest are used to explore if there is difference in learning achievement and learning interest between the two classes. The results of the research are as follows: 1. After the experiment, the experimental group is superior to the control group in learning achievement, but the significant level(P>.05)is not achieved. Otherwise, when comparing the students with middle scores, the experimental group is superior to the control group in learning achievement significantly(P<.05). 2. Speaking frequency increases after using the workshop-based method. 3. The learning achievement is related to speaking frequency significantly(P<.05). 4. Students who have higher speaking frequency do not make more progress in the learning achievement examination. 5. The score of experimental group is better than it of control group in the questionnaire of learning interest, but the significant level(P>.05)is not achieved. 6. When comparing the two groups in learning interest degree, the experimental group is super to the control group significantly(P<.05), and the main differences are the participation in class and the study behavior after class. Key words: workshop-based teaching method, learning achievement, learning interest.
