  • 學位論文


Implementation of geography curriculum at National Taiwan Junior College of Performing Art

指導教授 : 潘朝陽博士


國立臺灣戲曲專科學校為臺灣教育史上第一所採十年一貫制之戲曲學校,目前設有:京劇科、綜藝舞蹈科、傳統音樂科、歌仔戲科、劇場藝術科和客家戲科。課程中的「共同學科」依教育部的規定,比照一般學校之教學科目。 本研究中:臺灣傳統戲曲學校的地理課程時數比例,由早期至93學年度,國中部分,從3.03%降至1.72%;高職部分,從3.03%降至1.15%。採用的研究方法,主要為問卷調查,輔以訪談。共向學生發出問卷392份,回收373份,回收率達95.15%,有效樣本為356份。另訪談5位學生與2位教師。研究結果如下: 一、各科學生填答問卷對升學意願及畢業後是否從事表演藝術之統計分析 有316人願意繼續升學,占有效人數的88.76%。有201人希望畢業後從事表演藝術工作,占有效人數的56.46%。 二、學生填答問卷認為哪些地理課程對表演藝術較有幫助之統計分析 前三名依序為「世界地理」、「臺灣地理」、「人文地理」。 三、學生對於不利該校地理課程實施因素之態度分析 前三名依序為「升學不考會影響學校開地理的意願」、「學習地理對您的表演藝術課程有幫助」、「學校現在所用的地理教科書份量適中」。 四、地理課程實施態度分析-以平均統計量分析 整體平均數最高為「地理課程能夠增加您對生活環境的了解」。 五、地理課程實施態度分析-差異性比較分析 「不同的科別對地理課程實施態度看法差異性因素一覽表」發現,有13個因素看法具有差異性。「不同的部別對地理課程實施態度看法差異性因素一覽表」發現,有12個因素看法具有差異性。 由「國立臺灣戲曲專科學校地理課程實施態度看法一致性一覽表」,發現該校學生對地理課程價值是正面的。另外,選擇升學與否的學生在「目前的地理課程與現實生活大致符合」、「地理測驗或評量成績普遍良好」因素中看法有差異性;而從學生畢業後是否會從事表演藝術工作,31個因素中顯示無差異性。 六、因素分析 產生7個可以解釋影響該校地理課程實施態度的因素,分別為「地理課程的運作」、「地理課程在該校教育的價值」、「教師地理專業能力」、「合適的地理教材」、「學生的重視程度」、「師生間的互動關係」、「地理課程時數」。 七、訪談結果分析 該校的地理教育,最好能配合術科的進度,將國中、高職的地理教材做一連貫、系統性的整理編撰;教學過程應力求生動活潑,多讓學生參與教學活動。


Abstract National Taiwan Junior College of Performing Art was the first college in Taiwan that has adopted the 10-year curriculum system as required by the Ministry of Education. The College has established Chinese Opera School, General Dancing School, Traditional Music School, Taiwanese Opera School, Drama Art School, and Hakka Drama School since its foundation. The College has also established “common courses” according to the stipulation announced by the Ministry of Education in the same way as other colleges. The author had studied the ratio of geography curriculum to the entire curriculum established by the traditional performing art colleges in Taiwan, and had found that, as of 2004, this ratio had dropped from 3.03% to 1.72% for junior high schools and from 3.03% to 1.15% for vocational senior high schools. The author had adopted questionnaires as the primary research method and interviews as secondary research method. 392 questionnaires were delivered to students and 373 students, or 95.15% of students, had replied. 356 replied questionnaires were considered effective. The author had also interviewed 5 students and 2 teachers. The research results are summarized as follows: 1.Whether students intended to further their educations or to develop the performing art career after graduation 316 students, or 88.76% of the effective samples, had indicated their intentions to continue educations; and 201 students, or 56.46% of effective samples, had indicated their intentions to develop performing art career. 2.The geography courses beneficial to performing art as shown on students’ questionnaires “World geography” was the most beneficial to performing art, followed by “Taiwan geography”, and then followed by “cultural geography”. 3.Students’ attitudes towards the unfavorable factors for the implementation of geography courses “The geography courses are not required by education institute entrance examination” was the most unfavorable factor, followed by “whether geography courses are beneficial to your performing art career”, and then followed by “the geography textbooks adopted by schools are sufficient”. 4.Attitudes towards the geography courses - analysis by average statistic “Geography courses help you understand your living environment” has the highest average score. 5.Attitudes towards the geography courses - analysis by differentiation and comparison As indicated by “The list of differential factors regarding all schools’ attitudes towards geography courses”, 13 factors revealed differentiation, and 12 factors revealed differentiation as shown by “The list of differential factors regarding all branches’ attitudes towards geography courses”. As shown by “The list of consistent viewpoints regarding the geography courses implemented by National Taiwan Junior College of Performing Art”, students held a positive standpoint towards geography courses. However, students’ viewpoints varied for “Whether the present geography courses are consistent with the real life” and “Satisfactory scores for geography examinations or evaluations”. As to whether students would develop performing art career, no differentiation found among 31 factors. 6.Factor analysis 7 factors were generated to interpret the attitudes that had influenced the implementation of geography courses - “How the geography courses are used”, “The value of geography courses at the college”, “Teacher’s professional capabilities in geography”, “Suitable geography teaching materials”, “How important the students consider geography courses”, “Interactions between teachers and students”, and “Class hours of geography courses”. 7.Analysis of interview results Schools are advised to integrate the geography teaching materials of junior high schools and vocational senior high schools into the geography courses and arrange the geography courses systematically. Teachers are advised to maintain a lively teaching process and help students to take part in the teaching activities.


