  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 賴建都


行政院衛生署國民健康局在2004年,將菸害防治工作重心置於青少年與女性族群身上,檢視國內歷年平面媒體的創作,遺憾的發現到,以女性族群為對象的菸害防治宣導,除了著重在孕婦應遠離菸害之外,針對女性其它年齡層的宣導則是少之又少。根據調查,女性吸菸初體驗,並不是在孕婦的階段才開始,一般而言,十五、六歲的少女或追求時尚與自由的都會女性、不婚族或事業心強烈的女性,大多認為婚姻、懷孕、吸菸上癮、戒菸與健康等問題的困擾,對她們而言似乎太遙遠了,若只針對孕婦族群吸菸的後遺症作防治宣導或戒菸治療,期盼提昇女性戒菸的廣度,恐怕無法如所預期。 本創作論文以海報為傳播媒體,分為二階段訴求方式進行宣導:在第一階段「抽菸對女性的嚴重威脅宣導」中,以真實案例之反面訴求作為創作的主要思考方向,強調菸害的負面影響,教育民眾認清吸菸背後所要承受的可能危害;在第二階段「戒菸後在女性身上所發現的種種好處」中,以女性戒菸後明顯的改善為正面訴求,作為該系列作品之創作方向,以強化戒菸的誘因,使吸菸的女性民眾或關心戒菸議題的民眾,得以更加積極尋求各種戒菸管道進而成功戒菸。


For teenager and females’ group in the non - smoke prevention project is the principal by The Bureau of Health Promotion Department of Health, Taiwan, R.O.C. 2004, while viewing all the graphic design in pass years, it focus on how pregnant women should keep away from anti-smoking only, it does not appear many posters as the prevalence of smoking with different female age level. According to the investigating, the females’ first smoking experience begins at age 15 or 16, whom are representing as fashionable women, career women, or un-marriage concept women. Most people think that marriage, pregnant, smoker, and quit smoke is a topic too far away from their self for a serious discussing and research. If the government or other communities just focus a single theme as the prevalence of female smoking. It will be very hard to push the works moving any farther and unexpected the producer will not gone as well as its’ effect. The research paper is a poster, which was emphasizing on mass media’ communicated function. It is worked with two steps’ propagandize such as: “how influence and serious problems for female smoker”, it tells a real case that female become ill cause their smoke behavior, it doesn’t work in a direct way to tell people that is not a good way to keep smoking in daily life with opposite idea to created a new way to show people its negative flews and educated people that what will they cause behind smoke behavior. On the second step for “what is the advantages after female quit smoke”, as some obvious changing that shows lots good signs after they quit smoke. The series posters design will created in a directly by the whys and the wherefores. It will make female to care and considerate beginning quit smoking, it make more successful and energetic mind to searching good way to quit smoking.


1. 行政院衛生署國民健康局菸害防治專區,(民94年1月16日)。行政院衛生署國民健康局菸害防治專區【公告】。台北市:國民健康局。民94年1月25日,取自:http://www.bhp.doh.gov.tw/tobacco/。
19. 戒菸指南。(無日期)。台北市:行政院衛生署國民健康局。民93年12月13日,取自:http://www.bhp.doh.gov.tw/tobacco/。
1. 何耀宗(民72)。平面廣告設計。台北市:雄獅圖書。
2. 林東海與張麗琦(民84)。名家創意海報設計。台北市:新形象。
