  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 陳文典


學習與學習策略調整 摘要 本研究從學生學習的角度出發,探討學生學習物理時,如何從摸索和修正中,自我調整學習策略,透過瞭解學生自我調整學習策略的過程,期望可以幫助學生獲得最佳的學習成效。受試樣本是由研究者授課的台北市某市立完全中學二年級自然組學生中,依照分層立意抽樣的方式,挑選出21位學生,測驗工具是由研究者所編的『高中物理科自我調整學習單』、『行動研究記錄』與『半結構式訪談』,以質性研究方法,探討不同學習成就和不同性別的學生所採取學習策略的差異,並進一步找出不同學習成就和不同性別的學生之自我學習策略調整的關係和變化情形。 資料分析的方式,除了進行樣本平均數t考驗、單因子變異數分析和相關係數外,另外從豐富的質性研究資料裡,依循敘述性描述、編碼和歸納詮釋的步驟,對量化研究不足處提出佐證,最後得出以下結果:在物理科的學習上,學生最常採用也對學習成就影響最大的學習方式為訊息處理(認知)策略。以性別來說,男生動機較強,方式也比較偏邏輯思考,女生則普遍表現出興趣不高和信心不足,方式則偏向反覆練習和片段記憶。而且當學生在瞭解到自己學習的優勢和缺點所在,且確實進行自我調整學習過後,學習成就上可以獲得提升。其中男生與女生在學習策略的調整上,僅在精緻化策略上有比較明顯的差異,女生在這個方式的學習和執行上,較男生有更快速的提升,但是無論何種學習成就的學生,在進行自我調整學習時,大多集中在訊息處理策略方面。


Learning And the Regulation of Learning Strategies Shu-Yu Chou Abstract This study explored students’ self-regulated learning strategies in studying physics. The aims were to investigate the differences of learning strategies used by different genders and students of different learning achievements, and to explore further the relations of the self-regulated learning strategies among those students. This study also expected to help students maximize the effectiveness of their learning. Stratified purposeful sampling is used and 21 subjects from the sophomores of a Taipei municipal high school are selected. The instruments used in this research include the self-regulated learning (S.R.L.) inventory of high school physics designed by the researcher, the record of action research and semi-structure interview, with the application of qualitative research methods. The data are analyzed by Student’s t-test, one-way analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA), and correlation coefficients, with the analysis of data collected during the quantitative research by steps of the narrative descriptions, coding, and inductive reasoning. The conclusions of the research are summarized as following: In studying senior high school physics, boy students were more motivated and logical in problem solving, while female students show less interest and confidence, and usually learn by repeating exercise and fragmental memory. Message (cognitive) processing, the most influential strategy of learning achievements, is most used in learning. If students understand the advantages and disadvantages of their own learning strategies, and exactly put the S.R.L. into practice, their learning achievements do improve. The significant difference between males’ and females’ self-regulated strategies lies only on the elaboration strategy, which female students learn and manipulate more quickly. Whatever students’ learning achievements are, they all concentrate on the message (cognitive) processing strategies when they put the S.R.L. into practice.


2. 王金國(2001):『成功學習的關鍵∼自我調整學習』,課程與教學季刊,5(1),P145-164。
10. 林明瑞&包沛然(民93):『國小綠色消費教學之行動研究』,師大學報,49(2),P1-34。
15. 程炳林(民90):『中學生自我調整學習量表之建構及其信效度研究』,測驗年刊,48輯1期,P1-41。
18. 程炳林 & 林清山(民91):『學習歷程前決策與後決策階段中行動控制的中介角色』,教育心裡學報,34卷1期,P43-60。
3. 李濟國(民90):『影響高中學生物理學習成就原因之探討』,科學教育月刊,240期,P21-30。



