  • 學位論文


A Research On The Bodily Political Of College Physical Education Teachers In Taiwan

指導教授 : 程瑞福


本研究旨在探討臺灣地區大專體育教師之身體政治型態。研究之目的為暸解台灣地區大專體育教師,在國家體育政策、個人抉擇、外顯表現三個層面上的身體政治型態。研究方法為問卷調查法與訪談法,採立意取樣,對國內120位大專體育教師進行問卷調查,回收有效問卷93份,有效問卷回收率77.5%,Coefficient Alpha=.91,於問卷統計完成後,對國內4名體育專家學者進行訪談,並與問卷結果深入比對。獲致研究結果為:1.在國家體育政策層面上的身體政治型態為:(1)參與規劃、權力分層與任務執行導向;(2)作為科層體制的控制工具,以評鑑、檢核政策的執行成效;(3)以權力運作的方式調整國家體育政策,並與政界互動,發揮影響力。2.在個人抉擇層面上的身體政治型態為:(1)注重溝通協調、善用利益交換的手腕與優先性抉擇;(2)效益主義導向,注重結果論;(3)理性優先,並有著內心外界妥協上的矛盾。3.在外顯表現層面上的身體政治型態為:(1)策略聯盟、競爭中帶有合作與服從規訓;(2)高度社會化,理性壓制感性;(3)採取妥協,爭取認同,尋求互利共生,並臨機應變。


The purpose of this research is to conduct study on the form of bodily political of physical education teachers in Taiwan. In addition, the objective of this research is to understand the form of bodily political of physical education teachers in Taiwan in three levels including national physical education policy, individual choice and outer-appearance etc. Research methods included questionnaire research and interview and purposive sampling was adopted. Questionnaire research was conducted on 120 college physical education teachers in the country. Number of effective questionnaire recovered was 93 and the recovery rate of effective questionnaire was 77.5% and Coefficient Alpha=.91. Upon completion of statistics on the questionnaires, interview was conducted with four domestic physical education experts and scholars so as to obtain in-depth understanding. The results of this research are: 1. The form of bodily political in the level of national physical education policy is: (1) planning participation, divisional level of authority and mission execution direction; (2) to serve as the control tool of the section level system based on assessment to review the execution result of policy; (3) adjust the national physical education policy in the form of authority operation and interact with the political arena so as to bring the power of influence into full play. 2. The form of bodily political in individual choice is: (1) emphasize on communication and coordination and proper use of the skill of interest exchange and choice of priority; (2) benefit principle direction and emphasis on the outcome; (3) priority in rationality and there is contradiction of compromise in the mind and with outside. 3. The form of bodily political in the outer-appearance level includes: (1) strategic alliance and within competition there is rule of cooperation and obedience; (2) highly socialized and the rationality will suppress the sensibility; (3)adopts compromise, strive for recognition and seek for mutual benefit and mutual survival and will respond as the occasion requires.


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