  • 學位論文


A study of profiles of turn-taking competence in preschoolers with Asperger Syndrome

指導教授 : 張正芬教授


本研究旨在瞭解學前亞斯柏格症與普通兒童話輪轉換語用特質的表現。研究對象為9名參與「亞斯柏格症」專案,且就讀幼稚園融合班大班亞斯柏格症兒童,與18名班上普通同儕。研究方法為透過對語言樣本質性與量化的分析,瞭解亞斯柏格症兒童與普通兒童話輪轉換語用特質的差異。根據研究結果,本研究共有以下幾點的結論: 一、話輪類型及連續性之表現 量化統計結果發現兩組兒童在話輪類型次數及連續性沒有顯著差異;質性分析探討中,話輪類型的表現上,亞斯柏格症兒童出現上下脈絡不相符的現象,也便是鄰近應對的問題,普通兒童則沒有此現象。 另外,話輪連續性的質性資料中,亞斯柏格症兒童全部都出現重複簡單打斷現象,而普通兒童只有一半出現,再者亞斯柏格症兒童主題變化性比普通兒童少;在重複插入打斷現象中也發現亞斯柏格症兒童出現主題重複的情形。 二、打斷之表現 量化統計結果發現,亞斯柏格症兒童在簡單打斷及總打斷的次數上顯著高於普通兒童,兩組在插入打斷及被打斷的次數沒有顯著差異;質性分析探討中,亞斯柏格症兒童有大聲打斷、關連性不強、預測錯誤及容易被覺察打斷錯誤的現象。 三、沉默之表現 量化統計結果發現,兩組兒童在中斷沉默、意義沉默及總次數接沒有顯著差異;在質性分析探討中並未發現兩組兒童相異處。 四、反饋信號之表現 量化統計結果發現,兩組兒童不論在反饋信號或是重疊反饋信號的表現皆沒有顯著差異;質性分析探討中發現,亞斯柏格症兒童在反饋信號的使用時機上常出現不適當的狀況。 五、會話掌控能力之表現 量化統計結果發現,兩組兒童在定量掌控的表現上沒有差異,但是亞斯柏格症兒童在參與掌控的次數顯著高於普通兒童;質性分析探討中發現,亞斯柏格症兒童在簡單打斷常常會有關連性不強、被糾正或反駁等現象。


The purpose of this study was to compare the turn-taking competences of 9 preschoolers with Asperger Syndrome in conversations in free play with 18 normal preschoolers. These conversations were transcribed and submitted to two kinds of analysis: 1)the quantitative analysis, 2)the qualitative analysis. The main findings of this study were stated as follows: 1﹚Turn-constructional components and chains: There were no significant differences between Asperger﹙AS﹚and normal ﹙NC﹚preschoolers in the quantitative analysis, but AS preschoolers had problems in adjacency pairs and reiterated topic in the qualitative analysis. 2﹚Interruption: The AS’s simple interruptions were significant higher than NC preschoolers in number, and no significant differences in butter-in interruptions between AS and NC preschoolers in the quantitative analysis; AS preschoolers showed some problems in the qualitative analysis while NC preschoolers did not, such as interrupting in unfit loudly voice, no-related interruptions, wrong predicted interruptions, and to be awared of wrong predicted interruptions. 3﹚Silence: There were no significant differences between AS and NC preschoolers in the quantitative analysis and the qualitative analysis. 4﹚Back channel: There were no significant differences in back channels and overlap backchannels between AS and NC preschoolers in the quantitative analysis, but the qualitative analysis showed AS preschoolers didn’t give back channels in the right time. 5﹚Conversational dominance: There were no significant differences in Quantitative dominance but in Participatory dominance between AS and NC preschoolers in the quantitative analysis, and AS were significant higher than NC preschoolers; but the qualitative analysis showed AS preschoolers’s initiation fails to receive a positive response from the interlocutor.


Asperger perschooler turn-taking pragmatic CHILDES


