  • 學位論文


A Study of Psychodrama on Transformative Learning for Losing Adults

指導教授 : 林振春博士 李安德博士


論文摘要內容: 本論文的目的是透過心理劇理解情緒失落成人轉化學習之歷程、情緒失落轉化現象、情緒失落轉化要素與情緒失落之轉化模式。本研究進行三天心理劇團體,於團體結束時對團體成員進行焦點訪談,並於團體結束後針對在心理劇中擔任主角者進行深度個別訪談來收集資料,後將心理劇過程之錄影帶與焦點訪談及深度訪談之資料轉成為文本,並以詮釋現象學及「置身所在」的方法對文本進行詮釋與理解、詮釋。 本研究參與團體成員共有17人,針對作主角之5位之情緒失落轉化歷程做理解,茲將研究結果說明如下。 一、心理劇促進情緒失落成人轉化學習的面向,包括有:失落者轉化學習之情緒面、失落者轉化學習之認知面、失落者轉化學習之靈性面、失落者轉化學習之社會關係面及失落者轉化學習之時間面的轉化學習 二、心理劇促進情緒失落成人轉化學習的要素,經研究結果包括: 1.超越現實---營造對話與安全、信任的情境 2.角色交換---促進深入他人心中影響對自我與他人認知上的轉化 3.鏡觀---提供審視自我處境進而促進轉化 4.情緒宣洩---宣洩情緒、淨化情緒、轉化情緒 5.愛的撫慰---作為促動轉化的泉源 6.象徵性替代行動---轉化與逝者的連結方式 7.支持---促進主角體認支持,再度走入人群 8.自我的整合---整合內在的衝突,提升與轉化心靈層次 三、心理劇對情緒失落成人轉化過程的模式,經研究發現基本上包含了宣洩、對話、滋養、連結、道別與整合自己的六個歷程,此六個歷程在轉化歷程中的順序不一,但卻為不可少的要素。 論文最後,針對本研究提出研究限制與限制,並從研究發現與成果建議對成人教育工作者必須兼具理性教育、感性教育與靈性教育,方能促進成人教育的全人發展。


心理劇 轉化學習 失落 詮釋學 置身所在


A Study of Psychodrama on transformative learning for losing adults You Ming-Lin Abstract The purpose of this study is to understand the process, phenomenon , key elements of transformative learning for losing adults through psychodrama. The study involved 17 losing adult from Taiwan who have gone through Gong Shu’s psychodrama theater. The participation processes of five protagonist in the psychodrama were videotaped and transcribed verbatim.The method of Phenomenological reduction was applied to analyze transcripts .The results of the analysis were as follow: First, psychodrama promotes transformative learning for losing adults in four lens, : emotion , cognitive ,spirit , the social relationships and Time. Second , the key elements of of promoting transformative learning for losing adults through psychodrama, include: 1.Surpus reality -Build the safe situation to talk. 2.The role reversal -empathy and encounter of others 3.Mirror-to understand situation of self 4. Cartharsis -Lead mood off, purify mood , transform mood 5.Love-the resource of change and transformative 6.Take action in symbolizing substitution-Way of linking of the persons who die 7.Support -Promote the protagonist to realize and support, enter into the crowd once again 8.Integrate ---Combine the inherent conflict, improve and transform the soul level.Third, the process of transformative learning for losing adults through psychodrama included six stages: cartharsis , dialogue, nurture, connection, say goodbye, integrate. Accordingto the results of the study, suggestions for educators of adult and future research were provided.


張穎華(2010)。博物館志工推廣幼兒教育活動之轉化學習研究─ 以國立臺灣博物館為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315204859
