  • 學位論文


The Study for the Effect of Parent-Adolescent Communication Consultation Group

指導教授 : 鄔佩麗


摘 要 本研究旨在建立「學校──家庭」合作協助青少年的專業途徑,藉著提昇家長正向溝通能力,有效解決親子溝通困擾。研究者根據「婚姻與家庭系統環繞模式」的溝通概念、與諮詢理論的概念,自行設計親子溝通諮詢團體方案,以海山高工學生二十二位家長為研究對象,分為A、B兩團體,A團體有十二位成員,B團體有十位成員,每週聚會一次,每次二小時,由研究者親自帶領,並接受督導。方案效果評估包括量化、與質化資料的前後測比較,量化資料工具包括「親子溝通困擾檢核表」、「親子溝通問卷(家長版)」、「親子溝通問卷(子女版)」,在α<.05的標準下,分別進行t檢定;質化資料的來源包括「成員焦點團體」、「成員之子女焦點團體」,以內容分析方式比較前後測差異。 本研究所獲得的結論如下: 一、22位成員在「親子溝通問卷(家長版)」之「正向溝通總分」前測得分平均數M=19.23、標準差S=6.91、最大值33、最小值8,後測得分M=25.73、S=9.61、最大值42、最小值10。進行前後測得分差異之相依樣本t考驗,結果t= -7.565,P<.05,顯示後測平均得分顯著高於前測,亦即成員參與本研究方案之後,比較能夠使用正向溝通技巧來處理青少年子女的問題。 二、就焦點團體逐字稿內容分析結果來看,成員在正向溝通技巧方面比較有進步者,可歸納出六個主題,包括「尊重孩子的需求」、「引導行為」、「同理心」、「增強行為」、「彈性態度」、與「情緒的覺察與控制」。 三、22位成員在「親子溝通問卷(家長版)」之「負向溝通總分」前測得分M=6.55、S=4.17、最大值16、最小值0,後測得分M=4.09、S=4.98、最大值18、最小值0。進行前後測得分差異之相依樣本t考驗,結果t=1.94,P<.05,顯示後測平均得分顯著低於前測,亦即成員參與本研究方案後,對青少年子女的困擾議題,比較能夠避免使用負向溝通的方式處理問題。 四、就內容分析結果來看,成員在負向溝通方式有減少者,可歸納出四個主題,包括「避免說教」、「避免指責」、「避免權威禁令」、與「降低主題干預」。 五、22位成員在「親子溝通問卷(家長版)」之「問卷總分」前測得分M=92.68、S=10.58、最大值113、最小值74,後測得分M=101.64、S=13.57、最大值122、最小值78。進行前後測得分差異之相依樣本t考驗,結果t= -2.67、P<.05,顯示後測平均得分顯著高於前測,亦即成員參加本研究方案後,對於青少年子女的困擾議題,比較能夠進行積極溝通、有效處理問題。 六、22位成員之子女在「親子溝通問卷(子女版)」中的得分M=6.00、S=2.09、最大值10、最小值2,以單一樣本t檢定來考驗平均值是否大於5,結果t=2.24、P<.05,顯示子女選擇「希望成員採用參與本研究方案後的溝通方式」,顯著高於隨機選擇機率,亦即本研究團體可促使成員使用其子女所喜歡的溝通方式。 七、成員在「親子溝通困擾檢核表」中「嚴重程度」的前測分數M=11.59、S=6.51、最大值26、最小值2,平均分數隨著團體的進展而不斷下降,後測分數M=5.77、S=5.10、最大值18、最小值0。進行前後測得分差異之相依樣本t考驗,結果t= 7.565、P<.05,顯示後測平均分數顯著低於前測,亦即親子溝通諮詢團體能有效協助成員解決求詢的親子溝通問題。 八、成員在「親子溝通困擾檢核表」中「困擾程度」的前測分數M=11.00、S=6.86、最大值25、最小值2,平均分數隨著團體的進展而不斷下降,後測分數M=6.45、S=4.65、最大值18、最小值1。進行前後測得分差異之相依樣本t考驗,結果t=6.07、P<.05,顯示後測平均分數顯著低於前測,亦即親子溝通諮詢團體能有效的降低成員所求詢的親子溝通困擾。 九、就內容分析結果而言,成員親子溝通困擾議題的解決情況,可歸納出六個主題,包括「青少年次文化」、「交友問題」、「與家人的互動」、「學業問題」、「行為問題」、以及「沒有改變」。 最後根據本研究結果及文獻進行討論,以作為學校──家庭合作協助學子、諮詢實務、與未來研究的進一步建議。


The Study for the Effect of Parent-Adolescent Communication Consultation Group By Shiann-Huei, Chiou Abstract The purpose of this study is to construct a cooperative and professional bridge between “school-family” so as to help adolescents, then to enhance the positive communicational ability of parents, and to resolve parent-adolescent communicational troubles effectively. It is based the communicational conception of “Circumplex Model of Marital and Family System” and the conception of consultation to design Parent-Adolescent Communication Consultation Group. Twenty-two parents of National Hai-San Industrial Vocational High School participated in this study. There were 12 parents selected to attend Group A, and the other 10 parents attended Group B. Group members met once a week, and it took them two hours per section. These two groups were led by the researcher with supervision. The effect of the communication consultation groups was assessed by pretest-posttest design included both quantitative and qualitative datas. The former, obtained from instruments including “Parent-Adolescent Communicational Trouble Check List”, “Parent-Adolescent Communicational Inventory (for Parent)”, “Parent-Adolescent Communi-cational Inventory (for Adolescence)”, were analyzed by t-test to test the hypotheses, which α<.05; the latter, obtained from “Member Focus Group”、and “Adolescent Focus Group”, were transcribed first, and then were processed by content analysis to compare the difference of pre-post groups. The major findings were as follows: 1. The 22 members’ arithmetic mean M=19.23, standard deviation S=6.91, maximal value is 33, and minimal value is 8, referring to the pre-groups, in “positive communication” of “Parent-Adolescent Communicational Inventory (for Parent)” . And, referring to the post-groups, M=25.73, S=9.61, maximal value is 42, and minimal value is 20. After one-tail dependent event t test, t=-7.565, P<.05, it shows the mean score of post-groups were higher than the scores of pre-groups significantly. It means that the members adopt more positive communicational skills to handle adolescent problems, after attending the groups. 2. The members improve more significantly in positive communicational skills, which is based analyzing the transcript content “Member focus group” and “Adolescent Focus Group”, and it could be classified into six categories, including: “the respect for need of children”, “the skill of leading”, “empathy”, “the skill of enforcement ”, “the flexible attitude”, and “the awareness and control of emotion”. 3. The 22 members’ arithmetic mean M=6.55, standard deviation S=4.17, maximal value is 16, and minimal value is 0, referring to the pre-groups, in “negative communication” of “Parent-Adolescent Communicational Inventory (for Parent)” . And, referring to the post-groups, M=4.09, S=4.98, maximal value is 18, and minimal value is 0. After one-tail dependent event t test, t=1.94, P<.05, it shows the mean score of post-groups were lower than the scores of pre-groups significantly. It means that the members were inclined to avoid negative communicational fashions to handle adolescent problems, after attending the groups. 4. The member decreasingly use in negative communicational fashions, which is based analyzing the transcript content “Member focus group” and “Adolescent Focus Group”, and it could be classified into four categories, including: “the avoidance of preach”, “the avoidance of blame”, “the avoidance of autocracy”, and “theme interference reduction”. 5. The 22 members’ arithmetic mean M=92.68, standard deviation S=10.58, maximal value is 113, and minimal value is 74, referring to the pre-groups, in “Parent-Adolescent Communicational Inventory (for Parent)” . And, referring to the post-groups, M=101.64, S=13.57, maximal value is 122, and minimal value is 78. After one-tail dependent event t test, t=2.24, P<.05, it shows the mean score of post-groups were higher than the scores of pre-groups significantly. It means that the members were capable to adopt communicational skills to handle adolescent problems, after attending the groups . 6. After the members attended the groups, the members’ communication fashions were more acceptable by children than the communication fashions selected at random in “Parent-Adolescent Communicational Inventory (for Adolescence)”. This showed that the groups of this study could help members adopted communication fashions which their children preferred. 7. The 22 members’ arithmetic mean M=11.59, standard deviation S=6.51, maximal value is 26, and minimal value is 2, referring to the pre-groups, in “trouble level” of “Parent-Adolescent Communicational Trouble Check List” With the development of the groups, the scores decreased gradually; And, referring to the post-groups, M=5.77, S=5.10, maximal value is 18, and minimal value is 0. After one-tail dependent event t test, t=7.565, P<.05; it shows that the mean score of the post-groups were lower than those of the pre-groups. That is, Parent-Adolescent Communication Consultation Group could effectively decrease the members’ troubles between parents and adolescents. 8. The 22 members’ arithmetic mean M=11.00, standard deviation S=6.86, maximal value is 25, and minimal value is 2, referring to the pre-groups, in “trouble level” of “Parent-Adolescent Communicational Trouble Check List” With the development of the groups, the scores decreased gradually; And, referring to the post-groups, M=6.45, S=4.65, maximal value is 18, and minimal value is 1. After one-tail dependent event t test, t=6.07, P<.05; it shows that the mean score of the post-groups were lower than those of the pre-groups. It suggests that Parent-Adolescent Communication Consultation Group could effectively resolve the members’ problems between parents and adolescents. 9. The parent-adolescent communicational troubles decreased which is based analyzing the transcript content “Member focus group” and “Adolescent Focus Group”, which were classified into five categories, including: “Adolescent culture”, “personal relationship troubles”, “the interaction in the family”, “school behavioral troubles”, “behavioral troubles” and “no change.” Finally, the results and findings of this study were fully discussed in order to provide propositions for the cooperation between “school-family” so as to help adolescents、for counseling practice、and for future research.


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