  • 學位論文


A Study of the Processes and the Affected Factors of Knowledge Workers' Career Development

指導教授 : 余鑑


本研究目的在於探討知識工作者職涯發展歷程,包括知識工作者職業生涯發展的重要歷程及影響知識工作者職業生涯發展之因素。研究對象的選取以工作內容是否符合Zidle(1998)知識工作的定義、Dove(1998)所提出知識工作的類型及Horibe(1999)提出的知識工作者定義為立意取樣之標準。依據知識工作的分類將知識工作者分為三種樣本類型,每種類型至少選取4人以上的代表性樣本,總共15人。研究方法採用質化的個案研究方法,以深度訪談方式進行多重個案資料的蒐集。 根據研究主題將訪談資料整理與分析,得到以下的結論: 一、知識工作者的職業選擇類型可分為計劃型、適應型及修正型,但是無論何種類型,知識工作者均能藉由職業選擇的探索歷程,建立自我的專長領域。 二、知識工作者工作轉換的類型包括相同的、不同的工作領域及自我創業。但知識工作者無論工作轉換有無跨越不同工作領域,目前仍是以自我既有的專業為主要的工作內容。 三、知識工作者在工作轉換過程中同時從事兩份以上的工作,對於組織的忠誠度較低,傾向於受雇於自我的專業而非單一組織。 四、知識工作者對於未來的生涯規劃著眼於現在,工作、學習、家庭及生活是他們規劃的主要重心。 五、知識工作者的人格特質會影響知識工作者職業選擇的方向,這些人格特質包括:熱心助人、刻苦耐勞及有自信心。 六、知識工作者認為工作須符合個人的興趣及個人的工作價值觀,才能讓他們全心付出,薪資並非第一考量。 七、知識工作者重視工作上自由發展的空間,所以工作的自主性與彈性是他們選擇工作的重要考量。 八、雖然知識工作者在工作上表現出事業的企圖心,但是他們認為家庭仍是人生最重要的一部份,無論已婚或未婚,家庭對於他們的職業生涯發展仍有相當的影響力。 九、知識工作者所處的組織若無法讓他們看到公司的前景與發展性,知識工作者便會有轉換工作的念頭,因為他們所需要的是能夠尊重他們的專業並促使他們的專業持續成長的工作環境。 十、工作本身若缺乏挑戰性或只是單調的例行性工作,會讓知識工作者萌生轉換工作的念頭。 十一、知識工作者藉由工作上的回饋獲得成就感,如果工作付出與工作回饋不成正比時,知識工作者會轉換工作。 十二、知識工作者重視自我的專業,即使有職位調動或升遷的機會,若脫離自我的專業,知識工作者不會接受。 十三、知識工作者的職業生涯,會隨著他們持續學習的特質而延長,因為學習沒有退休的界限。 十四、人際關係也會影響知識工作者的職涯發展:知識工作者雖然可以倚靠自己的專業而獨立於組織之外,但是工作上的人際關係卻會影響他們專業能力的發揮。


The purposes of this study were to explore the important processes of knowledge workers’ occupational career development, and the affected factors of their occupational career. The research method employed was case study of the qualitative research and the data was collected by in-depth interviews. According to the arrangement and the analysis of the research data, we can get the findings of the study are as follows: 1、 The occupational choices of knowledge workers would be divided into three types, including planning, adaptive, and corrective type. But no matter what type knowledge workers are, they would build their own specialty field by the exploring process of occupational choices. 2、 Knowledge workers change their jobs to the same or different fields. But they all work for the profession of themselves now. 3、 Knowledge workers would work for two or more jobs at the same time. Their loyalty to their profession is more than to the organization. 4、 As to the future planning of knowledge workers’ career, they put emphasis on the job, learning, family, and their life. 5、 Knowledge workers’ personality would affect their occupational choices. These personalities are helpful to others, diligent to their occupation, and confident to themselves. 6、 Knowledge workers think that their job should fit their personal interest and the concept of value. 7、 Knowledge workers value the development space of their work, so they will consider the independence and flexibility of working. 8、 Although knowledge workers display the ambition of their occupation, family is still the most important part of their life. No matter be married or not, family has a lot of influence on knowledge workers. 9、 If knowledge worker couldn’t see the vision of the organization, they would transfer to another job. Because they need the place to support and promot their specialty. 10、 Lacking the challenge or doing the routine things will make knowledge workers feel bored with the job. And it will push them to leave. 11、 Knowledge workers get the sense of achievement by the feedback of their efforts. 12、 When there is an opportunity of promotion, knowledge workers will think about it. If the job is out of their profession field, they will give it up. 13、 Knowledge workers’ career development will follow their trait of keeping learning and become longer. 14、 Getting along with other people will also affect the development of knowledge workers’ career. Knowledge workers could depend on their specialty, but the relationship between their working partners would affect their professional ability to bring into full play.


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