  • 學位論文


A study of project management capacity for instructional technologists

指導教授 : 何俐安


隨著資訊科技的日新月異以及各種理論的發展,使得教育科技領與逐漸受到企業組織的重視。許多學者與機構更是投入了大量的資源在分析教育科技相關人才應具備的能力,其結果顯示了教育科技人員除了要具備教學設計的能力外,也要擁有管理的能力。因此,本研究之目的在於探討教育科技專業人員應具備之專案管理能力與其重要性,以及各構面之間的影響與相關性,作為國內教育科技相關系所在規劃專案管理課程時的參考。 由於淡江大學教育科技學系為我國教育科技相關系所中,成立時間最為久遠之系所,因此本研究以淡江大學為研究範圍,針對教育科技學系暨碩士班畢業,且已經進入職場中之人員進行全面性的調查。共發放313份問卷,回收171份,有效問卷回收為138份,有效問卷回收率44.09%。 研究結果顯示,專案管理領域知能與專案管理應用能力皆為教育科技人員應該具備、且重要之能力。在專案管理領域知能構面中,以分析和結束因素所需具備之能力最為重要,採購管理、成本管理以及風險管理之重要性則較低;而在專案管理應用能力構面中,最重要之能力則在於人際關係的處理。此外透過皮爾森相關分析發現,構面間呈現高度正相關,意謂著專案管領領域知能與應用能力不僅是必須要具備之能力,且相輔相成,缺一不可。 而從不同背景之教育科技專業人員對專案管理能力的重要性程度認知分析,發現性別、教育程度、工作年資、服務於不同規模之公司對專案管理的認知程度並未產生差異,僅不同工作職級對專案管理領域知能中之結束因素所應具備之能力認知有顯著差異、不同產業對專案管理應用能力中行政規劃應具備之能力產生顯著差異。 最後,本研究依據上述之研究結果,對我國大專院校、企業組織以及個人提升專案管理能力之建議。


教育科技 專案 專案管理 能力


Due to the fast changing information technology and theory development in teaching and learning, Instructional Technology, as a profession, gradually becomes visible in various settings. For the past decades, professional organizations and scholars have spent numerous efforts in analyzing the competency of instructional technologists. The results show not only they should encompass instructional design skills, but managerial capabilities. The present research is a study in exploring the core competency that instructional technologists should demonstrate in project management. The study also tries to investigate the inter-relationships among various dimensions of project management skills and knowledge. The results of this research can be great pointers to Instructional Technology, or related, departments, for better arrangement of their academic curricula. Compared with other departments in the related field, the Department of Educational Technology at Tamkang University was established furthest, and therefore this study targets at the alumni who graduated from the department of Educational Technology at Tamkang University and who are currently working in schools and enterprise's organization. The questionnaire-survey method was used to collect data. 313 questionnaires were distributed, and 171 were returned. With 33 invalid questionnaires, the valid return rate was 44.09%. The results of the research indicated that both professional knowledge and application capabilities of project management were important and essential to instructional technologists. Among the components of the professional knowledge, having the abilities to analyze and to finish a project were the most important, while purchasing management, cost management, and risk management were the least. On the other hand, among application capabilities, dealing with interpersonal relationship was of primary importance. Furthermore, the Pearson correlation coefficient showed there was a positive correlation between the professional knowledge and application capabilities, which means they complemented each other, and neither could be dispensed with. The research also found the instructional technologists’ backgrounds, except for job position and industry, had no influence on their competency in project management. The instructional technologists in different job positions differed in professional knowledge, especially in finish phase; those who worked in different industry had varied application capabilities, particularly in administration and planning. Based on the findings, this research offers suggestions to colleges, enterprise's organization and individuals to improve the capabilities of project management.




