  • 學位論文


A study on the Solution-Focused Counseling Effect: Applications of the Recursive Frame Analysis

指導教授 : 劉焜輝


本研究的目的在探討焦點解決諮商的效果,應用巡迴架構分析法分析諮商歷程,探討諮商歷程中諮商師與當事人的口語反應對諮商效果的影響,以及分析接受焦點解決諮商當事人的回饋。 本研究針對六位當事人,進行一到四次的個別諮商與標準化開放式訪談,諮商與訪談的過程全部錄音轉謄為逐字稿,以做為內容分析的材料。使用「自我評量表」與「訪談評量表」,以t檢定分別考驗當事人於諮商前與諮商終結時,以及每次諮商前後在「自我評量表」上各分量表的得分。 研究結果發現: 1諮商終結時,接受焦點解決諮商之當事人在「自我評量表」上各分量表的得分,後測顯著高於前測。 2諮商歷程中,如果諮商師的口語行為符合「焦點解決諮商的基本架構」,當事人在「自我評量表」上各分量表的得分,後測顯著高於前測。 3諮商歷程中,如果當事人的口語反應「談論改變」次數多於「談論問題」,其在「自我評量表」上各分量表的得分,後測顯著高於前測。 4三位評量員對六位當事人15次晤談逐字稿進行巡迴架構分析,劃線標示的語意陳述句一致性很高,而對當事人口語反應語意性質的判斷一致性也很高。 5當事人在「自我評量表」上的回饋分析,顯示影響當事人諮商效果的因素之間呈現相互關聯,而且當事人因素與關係因素佔較高的比率。 6從當事人接受訪談的內容分析可知,其認知、情緒或行為方面有一些改變,而當事人的回饋可作為實施焦點解決諮商的參考。 根據上述研究結果,本研究提出進一步的討論,並且對於實務上的應用以及未來的研究分別提出建議。


The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of solution-focused counseling. The recursive frame analysis was used to assess the counseling process, to test the effect of the counselor's and client's verbal responses, and to assess effective factors from client's points of view. 6 undergraduates voluntarily participated in a 1-4 session individual counseling and accept a standardized open-ending interview. Audio-tapes were used to record data both the process and content analyses of counseling and interview. Self-Ratings Form and Interview-Rating Form were also administered. In addition, the t test was used to compare the differences from intake to final outcome, from pretest to posttest on the Self-Ratings Form. The major results of this study were: 1. In the end of counseling sessions, client's posttests were found significantly higher than their pretests on the Self-Ratings Form. 2. In the counseling process, when counselor's verbals were in accordance with the Framework of the Solution-Focused Counseling client's posttests were significant higher than their pretests on the Self-Ratings Form. 3. In the counseling process, when client's verbal frequencies of the Change Talk were higher than the Problem Talk client's posttests were significant higher than their pretests on the Self-Ratings Form. 4. Rater's word to word analyses on the framework of the Recursive Frame Analysis indicated that higher consistences were found not only in the statement of meaning but also in the nature of meaning. 5. Client's analyses on the Self-Ratings Form indicated that a significant relationship between counseling effectiveness factors, furthermore, client's factors and relation factors reached higher ratio. 6. Client's analyses on the Interview-Rating Form indicated that changes were found in the fields of cognition, emotion, and behavior. Based on these results, discussions and recommendations were made for the future research and implications.


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羅瓊華(2010)。焦點解決短期諮商理論融入基督教教牧輔導 對父母管教態度影響之探討〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201000352
