  • 學位論文


Integrating Whole Language and Environmental Education thruogh Children's Literature at Early Elementary School Teaching : An Action Reasearch

指導教授 : 周 儒


「全語言」努力拉近學校語言與生活語言的距離,在教學上強調真實、完整、與學習者的生活相關,這與「環境教育」近年來走向「運用生活周遭的環境,作為課程統整與學習的工具」之趨勢不謀而合。本研究除透過文獻探討,了解全語言與環境教育的異同與相輔相成出現的可能外,研究者並從個人最感興趣之兒童文學出發,以行動研究的方式,於教學現場實際體驗環境教育結合全語言所需面對的問題與解決問題之經過與意義。最後研究者並歸納出研究歷程中所面對之環境教育、全語言、兒童文學及教育改革之議題,提供四者交互運用及再思考之建議。 整個行動研究歷程持續一個學期,過程中研究者皆以研究札記、協同研究教師省思札記、參與觀察、深入訪談、文件收集……等作為資料來源。隨著研究推展,研究者對全語言之體認日漸深刻,對於研究之關切亦由圖畫書的使用,轉移至「教」與「學」的探究,並逐漸覺察到環境教育對教育之探究不足,正是環境教育無法跳脫以「融入」及「插入」進入學校課程的主因,亦是造成環境教育教師專業地位與自信無法提昇之故。 研究者除在結論中提出,全語言為與環境教育一致的教育哲學外,亦認為環境問題及教育問題是一體的兩面,結合全語言與環境教育推動教育改革,等於結合更多人的力量,共同為環境及教育而努力,而兒童文學是很好的教學及傳播工具,其中的美感經驗有助於環境倫理的培養。最後針對環境教育師資訓練、環境素養階層、兒童文學的使用、九年一貫課程改革,研究者皆提出批判性之觀點與討論,並對後續全語言及環境教育研究提供進一步之建議。


兒童文學 全語言 環境教育


Whole language philosophy believes that language is learned best and easiest when it is whole and in natural context. Whole language pedagogues believe that schools should complement the way children are learning language effectively and naturally at home. “Authentic”, “holistic” and “real” are the key characteristics of whole language philosophy. Seemingly, whole language’s philosophy and idea coincide very much with the most current trends of environmental education development, which strongly emphasizes that environmental educator should “utilize the surrounding environment as an integrated context for curriculum integration, development, and learning.” Through reference review, the researcher analyzed and compared the similarities and differences existed between environmental education and whole language philosophy. This action research started in using children’s literature to frame the curriculum. All the problems the researcher and teacher researchers faced and the meanings of the problem solving process were recorded to provide suggestions to environmental education, whole language philosophy, children’s literature and education reform. During the action research, the teachers’ reflection diaries, researcher’s diaries, field observation records, in-depth interviews and other documents are utilized as data analysis resources. As the research went on, the view of the researcher on the whole language philosophy was gradually changed. The focus of the research shifted from using picture books to reflective teaching. Through the research, the researcher noticed there are some deep-rooted weak points of environmental education, which rely too much on infusion and insertion but not being able to pay more attention to the fundamental issues and concerns in education. The environmental education professional status and the confidence of environmental educator are unable to be elevated, due to the same reason. In the conclusion, the researcher indicates that whole language philosophy is very much consistent with environmental education philosophy. There is a new opportunity for environmental education to renew its mission and vision and also enrich the education system. Integrating whole language philosophy and environmental education can benefit both environment and education. Although, the expectation of using children’s literature encounter some barriers, the researcher also believe that children’s literature is a very charming materials for the practice of environmental education and communication. The aesthetic experience of children’s literature could nurture the development of environmental ethics. Finally, the researcher provide some critical thoughts toward environmental education teacher training, environmental literacy, utilization of children’s literature, and the nine-year new curriculum of Taiwan. Also, some recommendations are provided for further research on whole language and environmental education.




