  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 邱美虹


過去二十多年來,對於學生科學概念的探討一直是科學教育學者相當關注的議題。許多的研究發現,學生在進入教室之前,對於生活中各種的科學概念,常常已經有一套自己的詮釋方法(Langley et al., 1997),而且這種詮釋的方式往往和科學上所接受的概念不完全相同。因此,學生在教室裡的學習是需要重組已有的知識結構。換言之,即是概念改變的學習(Carey, 1985; Driver, 1989)。 回顧文獻,對於學生在迷思概念的整合性研究在數量上相當地缺乏。主要的研究有:物質概念的整合性研究方面(Krnel et al., 1998; Liu, 1998, 2000; Andersson, 1990)、光學概念的研究(Galili, 1996),和化學反應概念(Andersson, 1986b),Garnett等人(1995)則是針對學生在物質粒子本質、化學鍵結方式、化學方程式平衡、化學平衡、酸鹼概念和氧化還原與電化學等六個化學概念;廖焜熙(民90)針對物理與化學的科學概念,做我國國內相關研究的統整,但這都還是不夠的。面對如此複雜的相關研究文獻,如何彙整出相關的概念類型,對於科學教育研究者和教師都是相當重要的。 本研究裡中採用已發表在期刊上的研究文獻:國外部份主要是從Journal of Research in Science Teaching(1972~2001)、International Journal of Science Education(1988~2001)、Science Education(1975~2001)、Cognition and Instruction(1985~2001)和Instructional Science(1989~2001),而國內部份則是科學教育學刊(1993~2001)、師大學報(民80~90)、彰化師範大學學報(民80~90)、高師學報(民80~90)、國立臺北師範學院學報(民78~90)、臺北市立師範學院學報(民80~90),我們共蒐錄了194篇相關的研究文獻。 本研究的目的是整合迷思概念之相關研究文獻,透過概念構圖和後設分析的研究方式,瞭解學生的概念類型、學生概念與科學發展之相關和概念改變教學策略之效益。本研究結果如下: 1.所蒐錄的研究文獻裡對於學生的想法與研究結果,主要具有下列三個特徵:(1)大部份的研究均企圖尋找學生的回答與年齡之間的相關性,即是學生概念與認知發展之關係;(2)學生回答是藉由科學概念的參考而作分類;(3)大部份的研究都是在尋求歸納統整,但是卻沒有使用任何的模式來解釋學生的表現。 2.從概念圖的分析裡,我們發現有許多學生的迷思概念僅是兩個概念之間聯結的錯誤而已。在我們的概念圖分析顯示,有許多學生的迷思概念之敘述是無法融入概念構圖裡,我們認為這些迷思概念僅是現象描述的錯誤,而不是屬於學生的程序性知識的錯誤,換句話說,它們是無法包含至概念結構的錯誤。 3.在迷思概念與文化之相關比較部份,許多的迷思概念在不同的研究地區,均會有類似的結果出現,似乎看不出文化的效應對於學生概念的形成是否有所影響。我們推測可能是測驗題目之差異所導致學生有不同的迷思概念。換句話說,問題情境因素會導致學生會形成不同的概念(Bar & Galili, 1994; Minstrell, 1992)。 4.在學生迷思概念與科學歷史發展之比較可以瞭解,學生的迷思概念與科學的發展僅有少部份的相似性而已。雖然在某些部份有其相似性(如力學的衝力理論、光學的視覺概念和光與顏色)。但從整體的角度來分析,其相似性似乎是不如我們所想像的。而且,從科學史的發展看來,科學家的想法是有其一致性的概念系統,但我們看學生的迷思概念卻是缺乏一致性和邏輯性,它們都是屬於片斷性、與情境相關的,或僅是定義、計算的困難。 5.在概念改變的教學策略上,從整體效果分析來看,使用電腦模擬和實驗教學的概念改變教學策略達到中至高度的效應大小(平均效應大小分別為0.77和0.63),而採用類比、合作學習、閱讀反駁性測驗與一般的教學對於學生的概念改變效益,則僅有低至中度的效益。此外,有相當高比率(52.2%)的研究文獻並未說明其所引用的概念改變理論或模式為何。


In the past 20 years, studies of scientific conceptions held by students have been major concern of the scholars in science education. Many studies revealed that students have their own way of interpreting scientific phenomenon happened in daily life (Langley et al., 1997). And the way of their interpretations is often inconsistent with scientific concepts that they are expected to learn. Therefore, students are required to reorganize the structure of knowledge that has been learnt in classroom. In other words, learning is a process of conceptual change (Carey, 1985; Driver, 1989). Reviewing literatures in science education, it is found that there is lack of investigation of types and relationship of students’ misconception. Form the past, studies are the concepts covered in the materials (Krnel et al., 1998; Liu, 1998, 2000; Andersson, 1990), optics (Galili, 1996), chemical change (Andersson, 1986b), and particulate nature of matter, chemical bonding, balance and interpreting chemical equations, chemical equilibrium, the conceptions of acids and bases, and oxidize-reduction and electrochemistry etc (Garnett et al., 1995). Liao(2001) reviewed studies physical and chemical concepts completed in Taiwan, however this is not enough. How compile related types of the conceptions in literature is very important to researchers and teachers in science education. In this study, we reviewed articles published in the following journals: Journal of Research in Science Teaching (1972~2001), International Journal of Science Education (1988~2001), Science Education (1975~2001), Cognition and Instruction(1985~2001), Instructional Science (1989~2001), Chinese Journal of Science Education (1993~2001), Bulletin of National Taiwan Normal University (1991-2001), Bulletin of National Changhua University of Education (1991~2001), Bulletin of National Kaohsiung Normal University (1991~2001), Bulletin of National Taipei Teacher College (1988~2001), and Bulletin of Taipei Municipal Teacher College (1991~2001). In total, 194 articles were chosen for this study. The purposes of this study were to integrate studies about misconceptions found in literature from the following perspectives: (1) types of misconception; (2) teaching strategies for conceptual change; (3) comparisons between students’ conceptions and history of science. Moreover, in this study, the methods used are mainly meta-analysis and conceptual mapping. The results of this study were as follows: 1.The literature of the research that we collected with three main characteristics: (1) most of the research intended to search for relation, between students’ responses and age, in other words, the relation of students’ conception and the development of cognition; (2) students’ answers were interpreted and made classification by taking the scientific conception as reference; (3) most of the research were sought for inductivity, but they did not use any mode to explain students’ performance. 2.The analysis of the conceptual map showed that many students with misconception were simply mistake the incorrect relation between two concepts. In the analysis of conceptual map, it revealed that students’ misconception which can't integrated into the conceptual map. It suggested that the misconceptions is the mistake that phenomenon describe only, not the mistake of the procedural knowledge to belong to the students, namely, they can't include to the mistake of the conceptual construction. 3.The comparison between misconception and culture revealed that many misconceptions were found in different regions regardless the cultural effect. It speculates that the test of misconception in different topics, and the context of the problem caused the students to form different conceptions. 4.In the comparison between the development of science history and misconceptions of the students revealed only few similarities (for instance theories of the mechanics, the conception of the vision, light and color). From a holistic perspective, its similarity apparently does not show the consistency with our expectation. As for the development of science history, the viewpoint of scientist was systematic and with internal consistent, while students’ misconception lack of its consistency and logic, they were fragmental and context related, or were the difficulty of definitions and calculation. 5.In teaching strategies for conceptual change, the studies suggested that computer simulated and laboratory activities had effect size for 0.77 and 0.6 respectively. But the effectiveness of using analogies, cooperative learning, reading refutational text and traditional instruction for conceptual change were from low to middle degree. Moreover, relatively high percentages of studies (52.2%) did not use learning theories or modes to explain students’ misconceptions.


全中平(民83):師範學院學生對學習物理力學概念之分析研究。國立臺北師範學院學報,7, 481~506。


張文馨(2015)。發展與應用二段式診斷測驗工具探討 國中學生壓力之迷思概念〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201500284
