  • 學位論文


A Study of Learning Affects of Water Concepts Instructionby on-line in The First Grade of Junior High School

指導教授 : 邱美虹


本研究主要目的,是在建立網路學習追蹤系統,並評估網路教學環境教學方式的學習成效,探討學生對線上統整課程的反應和態度。線上學習環境中,學生可自主性瀏覽網頁課程,學生由前測、後測的立即回饋,可以了解自己的學習情形,教師也可以檢視每一個學生的學習狀況,呈現所有測驗及線上行為,並將得到的資料分析討論。 本研究以國中一年級34人為研究對象,資料來源包括測驗的作答情形和線上課程的學習時間和次數,採變異數( ANOVA)和共變數(ANCOVA)分析,進行統計考驗,並透過感受問卷瞭解學生的反應和態度,探討線上統整課程的學習成效,分析和進行評估。 結果發現: 1.網路教學是一種好的教學策略,從學生在前後測各題比較與晤談中,顯示學生的概念已產生正向的改變。 2.學習成效方面,實驗組學生的網路的學習成效顯著高於對照組。 3.在比較不同性別間的進步情形發現,就男生與女生的學習成就間比較並沒有顯著差異,但男生在網路學習使用時間顯著多於與女生。 4.長時間組成績顯著高於短時間組,顯示線上時間和學習成績有關。 5.依照學習的路徑分類,一般型有較好的進步效果,震盪遊走型學習效果稍差,而逆行倒走型的進步成績最少,學習成效最差,且一般型與其他兩個達顯著差異。 6.從態度量表的回饋中,學生對本網站的學習態度大多是正面的。


Applying information (science) to teaching is the mega-trand of educational development at this stage. Teaching on line and integrated curriculums, however,will become important issues in the future. The main purpose of this study is to build a learning and tracking system on the Internet, to evaluate the effects of the methods-network teaching and circumstantial teaching, and to probe into students’ responses and attitudes to on-line integrated curriculums. In the circumstances of learning on line,students can browse the course on homepages and get instant feedback through the former and the latter tests to know their own condition of learning. Besides, teachers can check every student’s learning condition, which shows all the tests and the on- line acts. Furthermore, they can analyze and discuss the data they get. To tally ,34 7th graders participated in this research.The sources of the data include the situation of answering on the tests and the overall learning time and repetition for the on-line course. Moreover, via the questionnaires the students fill out, we can realize students’ responses and attitudes, probe into the learning affects of the on-line integrated curriculums, and then analyze and evaluate them. Six conclusions were found in this study as following: 1.The student has conceptual change after on-line instruction from compare of before-test and after-test,shows on-line study is a good instruction tactic. 2.The experiment group had conspicuously better than contrast time group,to show on-line study effects are remarkable. 3. The achievements not have remarkable difference between boy student and woman student, but on-line time of boy students are conspicuously longer than woman student. 4.Long-time group had conspicuously better than short-time group,to show on-line time relate to study results. 5. Classifying studys’type according to his learning way, general type has batter progress effect, the rock run type study are next, and the progress of backing run type has less achievements. 6.The quantity form of the students’ attitudes shows positive for the website .




謝禎宏(2006)。「問題本位學習」教學模式對國小 三年級學生科學概念與小組溝通之影響〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200600191
