  • 學位論文


A study on the teacher career ladder program of public junior high schools in Taiwan

指導教授 : 游進年博士


摘要 本研究主要目的在探討我國國民中學實施教師分級制度之相關問題以及具體改進建議。為達此目的,研究者採用文獻分析法與問卷調查法進行研究;首先分析教師分級制度之理論基礎;其次探討世界主要國家,包括美國、英國、日本、中國大陸實施教師分級制度的狀況,並歸納其對我國的啟示;接著再探討我國實施教師分級制度之時代背景以及對此議題所作之相關研究,其中包括教育部於國89年所公佈之「高級中等以下學校及幼稚園教師分級及審定辦法」,並加以評析之。最後參酌文獻探討所得編製成「我國國民中學實施教師分級制度之意見調查研究問卷」,針對台北縣公立國民中學(含完全中學)校長、兼行政之教師、以及未兼行政之教師進行調查研究;然後依問卷回收後之統計分析結果做成結論與建議,以作為我國相關單位決策參考及後續研究之用。 本研究之問卷調查採分層隨機取樣,共抽取815位教師為受試對象,回收有效樣本408份,問卷資料處理採用SPSS10.0 for windows版進行統計分析。本研究之調查結果發現與文獻探討發現作成結論如下: 壹、教師分級制度規劃層面 一、職務區分與證書授予 (一)「較低職級」教師與「較高職級」教師之職責重點應適當區隔。 (二)對各職級教師應授予能標示該職級的證書,並配合證照制度實 施。 二、職級數與職級名稱 (一)教師分級制度的職級數以「三級」或「四級」為宜。 (二)教師分級制度之職級名稱可隨職級多寡有別。 (三)教師分級制度之職級名稱應避免等級劃分之意涵。 三、審查單位與人員 (一)教師晉級審查作業可由學校以外的單位辦理。 (二)教師晉級的審查人員可涵蓋多層面,惟應提高其專業性。 四、審查依據 教師晉級審查依據應力求多元、廣泛、客觀。 五、誘因與壓力 (一)教師分級制度可採「加薪」與「減授教學時數」為最主要的激勵 方式。 (二)教師分級制度薪資調整的部份以「學術研究費」為主,而「給予 額外獎助」亦是可行的方式之一。 (三)各職級教師的薪資差距應在新台幣3000元至5000元之間。 (四)實施教師分級制度「誘因」與「壓力」的設計應顧慮教師感受, 不宜驟然給予過度壓力。 六、教師晉級之比例限制 教師分級制度不需設定各級教師晉級的比例。 七、教師晉級之年資限制 教師分級制度應限制教師申請晉級的年資,且以3至5年為宜。 八、教師專業進修機制 改善目前教師專業進修機制之缺失,增加教師對於教師分級制的信心。 貳、教育人員之態度與傾向層面 一、國民中學實施教師分級制度,既可行且有需要。 二、國民中學實施教師分級制度,仍有困境與難題亟待克服。 本研究根據文獻探討、調查研究發現與結論做成以下建議: 壹、對教師分級制度設計之建議 一、教師分級之職級數不宜太少,應朝「三級」或「四級」規劃。 二、教師晉級審查之依據除了考量國情之外,亦可參酌國外實施經驗加入 動態項目,以求評鑑之多元與客觀。 三、教師分級制度之教師評鑑需嚴格把關。 四、教師分級制度之教師晉級年資限制不宜過長,且可依不同職級設定不 同的年資限制。 五、教師分級制度之激勵方式可讓「最高職級」教師享有「休假進修」之 待遇。 貳、對教育行政機關之建議 一、實施教師分級制度應配合其他相關法令的修訂。 二、廣設教師進修機構,均衡城鄉差距。 三、建立教師評鑑系統。 四、組織「教師晉級審查委員會」。 五、實施教師分級制度應重基層教師的感受與意見,觀念的溝通與宣導。 關鍵字:教師分級制、臺北縣、公立國民中學


Abstract The purpose of this study is to explore the issues of teacher career ladder programs of public junior high schools in Taiwan, and then to work out the feasible and practical solutions to the tough issues. The methods of this study comprise literature analysis, and survey research. Subjects of this study consisted of principals, administrators, and teachers in public junior high schools in Taipei County. With stratified random sampling, 815 subjects are selected for the administration of questionnaire investigation. And the valid data are analyzed and concluded. The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1.The duties of lower-stage teachers and higher-stage teachers should be divided and designed properly. 2.Certification should be bestowed to the teachers of different stages. 3.Teachers should be classified into “three” or “four” stages. 4.The titles can be different considering how many stages the teachers are classified. 5.The titles of different stages should be as neutral as possible, avoiding leading to disparagement or misunderstanding. 6.The organizations for examining the promotion of teachers can be schools or others like education bureaus. 7.The members for examining the promotion of teachers may include representatives of teachers, principals, administrators, educational experts or professionals, and etc. The most important thing is the professional knowledge and skills. 8.The criteria for examining the promotion of teachers should be diverse, extensive, and objective. 9.The measures of pay raise and reduction of teaching-load can be adopted as the incentives of teacher career ladder program. 10.The adjustment of pay can be made on the part of academic research allowance; giving teachers “bonus” can be another feasible way. 11.The gap of pay between different stages should be NT3000 dollars to NT5000 dollars. 12.As designing the measures of incentives and pressures of teacher career ladder programs, the feelings of teachers should be taken seriously; don’t impose too many pressures on teachers at once. 13.The proportion of the teachers of different stages doesn’t have to be set up. 14.When teachers apply for promotion, their seniority should be restricted. The ideal restriction is “three” to “five” years. 15.The current system of professional in-service education should be improved. 16.Teacher career ladder program of public junior high schools in Taiwan is not only feasible but also necessary. 17.As to the implement of teacher career ladder programs, there are still problems needed to be solved. Suggestions based upon the above are as follows: 1. Suggestions for the design of teacher career ladder programs (1)The number of teacher stages should not be as few as two, while it should be at least three or four. (2)The criteria for examining the promotion of teachers can be considered according to national conditions on one hand, and consult the experiences of other countries on the other hand. (3)The evaluation of teachers should be conducted strictly. (4)The required seniority for promoting to a higher stage should not be too long, and it can be different according to different stages. (5)The teachers of the highest stage can be encouraged by the incentive measure of study leave. 2. Suggestions for the educational administrative organizations (1)To revise and integrate the relevant laws and regulations (2)To establish the organizations for professional in- service education extensively, and to balance the gap between cities and countries. (3)To establish the teacher evaluation system. (4)To organize the “committee for examining teacher promotion”. (5)To take the feelings of teachers seriously, and to communicate and publicize. Keywords: teacher career ladder program, Taipei County, public junior high school


孔榮彬(2009)。台灣與中國大陸中小學 教師分級制度發展之比較研究〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200900784
