  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 汪靜明教授


本研究依據汪靜明(1995a)提出之〈PROJECT TREE-台灣河川環境教育計畫〉理念架構,探討河川生物之環境教育概念發展,以國寶魚-台灣櫻花鉤吻鮭為研究主體,國寶魚保育教育為研究主題,進行河川環境教育議題教學之研究;針對國寶魚保育教育概念此一環境教育議題教學,進行其可融入九年一貫課程中之重要性評分分析,以期能有助於今後國寶魚環境教育之推行,並作為未來研發相關教材、課程設計之依據,及相關活動規劃推廣之參考。 在研究的方法上,首先主要參考保育國寶魚之相關解說教材資源,使用文獻分析法,針對國寶魚保育教育內容中,認知領域為主之概念,建立國寶魚保育教育內涵概念階層表,並依此架構設計完成國寶魚保育教育問卷,以自編問卷為研究工具,配合2002年自然保育教育研討會-九年一貫課程環境教育議題教學,透過問卷調查方式進行資料蒐集,以參與此次研討會之中、小學自然保育教育種子教師為研究對象(N=82),調查其對於國寶魚保育教育主概念可融入於九年一貫課程中之重要性評分,並進而統計分析國寶魚保育教育主概念評分,與研究對象在校主要參與九年一貫課程七大學習領域自變項及其他自變項之間的關係,最後並統計分析研究對象之國寶魚保育教育概念來源。 本研究的主要結果包括國寶魚保育教育內涵概念之重要性評分統計,其可作為未來進行國寶魚保育教育內涵相關概念融入於九年一貫課程中之相關自編教材與教法時之參考;以及針對學習領域、任教學校類別、任教地區、年齡、性別、最高學歷等自變項以單因子變異數分析檢定研究對象之主概念分數,其檢定結果顯示國寶魚保育教育主概念評分之差異皆未達顯著水準(Pr>.05),根據國寶魚保育教育主概念評分之ANOVA檢定結果,本研究推論原因為符合環境教育強調融入式教學之特質,各個學習領域都應能融入國寶魚保育教育之內涵概念。而在國寶魚保育教育概念來源之統計分析中,得知大眾傳播媒體佔了大部份的國寶魚保育教育概念來源項目,突顯出大眾傳播媒體在國寶魚環境教育中的重要性;當進一步以卡方分析探討國寶魚保育教育之概念來源,是否會因不同學習領域與不同任教之中小學等自變項而有所不同時,發現並未達統計上顯著之差異(Pr>.05)。


This research is based on the framework of the concept of “Taiwan River Environment Education Project [PROJECT TREE]” from professor Ching-ming, Wang in 1995. This study investigates the development of the conservation educational concept about the issue of river biotic by using the fish that is our national treasure-the Formosan landlocked salmon (Oncorhynchus masou formosanus) as an example. To promote the subject of teaching of river environmental education, this research analyzes the importance score of conservation educational concept of this fish to be integrated into Grade 1-9 Curriculum. The information obtained from this study is expected to help in the pursuance of environment education for this salmon in the future and is to be used as a reference for researching and developing related teaching materials. This study first makes reference to teaching materials relating to conservation fish of national treasure. Then we use concepts in the cognition area to construct the national treasure fish conservation educational inner conceptual hierarchy. According to this hierarchy, we design a national treasure fish conservation education questionnaire. This questionnaire is sent to the participating elementary and middle school seed teachers (N=82) of 2002 Nature Conservation Education Colloquium-Grade 1-9 Curriculum Environmental Education Subject Teaching. We use the results of the questionnaires to conduct statistical analysis (One-way ANOVA and Chi-square) about national treasure fish conservation education primary concept score and source of national treasure fish conservation education. The main results of this research are: 1.We analyze the importance score of national treasure fish conservation education inner concept. 2.One-way ANOVA test shows that seed teachers with different learning areas, school types, school locations, ages, genders, and highest educational background made no statistically significant difference to score of national treasure fish conservation education primary concept. It implies that national treasure fish conservation education inner concept can be integrated into each learning areas. It also shows the emphasis of integrated teaching in environmental education. 3.Seed teachers obtain national treasure fish conservation education primary concepts from the mass media. It reveals the importance of the mass media to national treasure fish conservation education. 4.Chi-square test shows that seed teachers with different learning areas, and school locations made no statistically significant difference to source of national treasure fish conservation education primary concept.


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