  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 林仁傑


論文摘要 本論文以「生命謳歌」為主題,藉著透過大自然的代言者「花與樹」系列描繪的水彩創作,讓觀賞者瞭解生命意義、尊重生命價值、愛護生命個體到發展生命的永續與傳承。因而藉自然景物描繪與對生命珍愛的歌詠,快樂活出自己的生命並深切領悟生命價值,譜出個人獨特的生命樂章。在理念及創作的探索上,以探討現代水彩畫的表現形式、發展演進及其中的差異性比較,做一縝密的觀察與歸納分析並進行創作,目的在闡述現代水彩畫的奧妙與其獨特性。在當下所面臨的各類思想派系衝擊中,應做截長補短的抉擇,發揮具本土的特性,傳承文化並走向宏觀的世界性的現代水彩創作。僅就研究架構作簡述如下: 第一章說明本研究的動機與目的、研究範圍與名詞釋義,並闡述方法和步驟。第二章為探討二十世紀以來與本創作意念相關的西洋繪畫風格比較、色彩與造形聯想、構圖的研究。第三章為探討水彩畫的發展,將水彩表現具有的特質、風格、形式與內涵、類型做一歸納比較,並列舉數位具有獨特面貌的水彩畫家,就其作品表現法引證。第四章論及個人創作理念、表現的方式,及理念的實踐呈現。第五章 為現階段的繪畫創作觀與未來研究方向。 綜言之,個人創作透過多元意念的醞釀與啟迪,展現出現代水彩的獨特之美為主,並融匯中西技法與理念,藉中西合璧的思考模式輔助創作,表現出特有的美學觀點,開創新的現代水彩畫風貌。


生命謳歌 水彩畫 現代水彩


Singing the praises of life -the creation and practice of paintings in watercolors Abstract This study was named “Singing the praises of life”. Through a “Flowers and Trees series of watercolor paintings”, the spokesman of natural, the author lets viewers understand the meaning of life, respect the worth of life, love life and develop immortal life. Furthermore, people can be themselves happily, understand the value of life deeply, and compose individually by discussing natural scenery and precious life. The purposes of this paper are to present different aspects of expressions and developments on modern watercolor painting, to precede deliberate observations, to elaborate secrets and uniqueness of modern watercolor paintings. Further study should provide research evidence and theory about cutting what is too long to supplement what is too short among the various parties and bringing local characteristics and cultures to globe modern water color compositions. The research designs are as follows: Chapter 1 illustrates the motivation and the purpose of this paper and explains the research method and steps. Chapter 2 explains the research method and steps. Chapter3 confers the development of water color paintings. Chapter 4 analyzes creative ideas and the ways of expression. Various skills created by several famous painters are cited. Chapter 4 discusses personal creative ideas and the way of expression and fulfillment. Chapter 5 describes the point of view of creation and further study. In conclusion, personal creations enlightened and made by diverse ideas show the beauty of modern watercolor painting and this is assisted by Chinese and Western thinking models. It displays unique aesthetic viewpoints and finds a brand new style of watercolor painting.


