  • 學位論文

地方派系與縣長選舉關係之研究 - 以台中縣第十三屆縣長選舉為例

The research of relationships between local factions and the election of the head of a county - take the 13th election of the head of Taichung County for example.

指導教授 : 黃人傑


中文摘要 地方派系一直在台灣政治發展中扮演著極關鍵性的角色,我們甚至可以說:「它是主導台灣地方選舉與政治的最主要力量。」台中縣地方派系的發展已歷經五十餘年,其背後隱藏著派系間的鬥爭,派系間的利益,以及派系間的分配等問題。甚至為了爭寵(中央黨部及中央政府的關愛),爭取黨提名使出種種手段,可以說無所不用其極,自然形成兩個對立的派系集團。而這兩個對立的派系集團之所以能生存到現在,可以說是國民黨執政時期刻意造成的政治事實。為不使一派獨大,必須交互輪政的政治效果形成紅黑分治。到1997年第十三屆縣長選舉因派系不妥協,派系內的鬥爭,派系與派系的閥韃,因而失去政權,由民進黨入主縣府,地方政治生態已大不相同。由於失敗的教訓,地方派系有危機意識,形成共識,使第十四屆縣長選舉在紅黑派系大團結下,國民黨才又恢復取得縣府的執政權,縣長黃仲生是黑派,副縣長陳茂淵屬紅派,第十五屆縣議會議長張清堂是紅派,副議長陳芳隆是黑派。如此行政機關有紅黑共處,監督機關又同樣情形形成紅黑共治。從台中縣地方派系的政治生態可觀察到,地方派系仍是具有相當的影響力。然其影響力的大小,影響的程度如何,於本文中有重點論述。


地方派系 台中縣 縣長選舉


The research of relationships between local factions and the election of the head of a county --------- take the 13th election of the head of Taichung County for example. Local factions always play an extremely important role in the political development in Taiwan. We even can say that:『It is the major power to guide the local elections and politics here in Taiwan.』 The development of local factions in Taichung County has gone through more than fifty years, concealing problems such as conflicts, profits, and allocations between factions behind its back. Even for the favor (the solicitude from central party and government), it takes various measures and resort to every conceivable means to strive for the nomination by its party, forming two confronting factions naturally. The reason why the two confronting factions could exist until now could be regarded as the political facts made on purpose by the Kuomintang (KMT) when KMT held the reins of government. In order not to be controlled by only one faction, the political effect of mutual alternative has divided into Red and Black factions. Due to the uncompromising factions, internal conflicts, and animadversions between factions, the KMT government lost its regime in the 13th election of the head of a county in 1997. The local political ecology was quite different than before because the county government was governed by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). The local factions produced the consciousness of crisis from this failure of election, forming common consensus. Under the close-knit of Red and Black factions in the 14th election of the head of a county, KMT acquired held the reins of government once again. Huang Chung-sheng, the head of a county, belongs to the Black faction, but Chen Mao-yuan is the membership of Red faction. Chang Ching-tsang, the head of the 15th county parliament, is the membership of Red faction, but Chen Fang-lung, the vice head of the county parliament, belongs to the Black faction. Not only administrative organizations but also supervisory organizations all have such mutual administrations.From the observation of political ecology of local factions in Taichung County, we can know that local factions still have quite influence. We will have a key discussion to find out how big the influence is and how far the extent is in this study.




Bosco, Joseph. “Taiwan Faction: Guanxi, Patronage, and the State in Local Polities” Ethnology, Vol.31, No.2, 1992.
Kaufman, Robert R.1979. “Corporatism, Clientelism, and Partisan Conflict: A study of Seven Latin American Countries.” in James M. Malloy, ed., Authoritarianism and Corporatism in Latin America. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1979. pp.109-48.
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