  • 學位論文


The Formation of Lesbian Space of a Basketball Gathering Group

指導教授 : 劉一民


本研究以國內女同志籃球球聚團體─「夜光球聚團」的球聚空間為研究對象,該球聚團體的球聚空間有三:一、女同志網站的球聚空間─虛擬/開放的「夜光球聚版」。二、公共籃球場的球聚空間─真實/開放的「夜光球場」。三、奇摩家族網站的球聚空間─虛擬/封閉的「夜光球聚團」。 女同志球聚空間的形塑,除了考慮球聚活動的運作功能外,更因女同志本身的性別身份隨之而來的暗櫃壓力,而考慮空間對於女同志身份的保護性。 因此,一、女同志網站的球聚空間─虛擬/開放的「夜光球聚版」,是在女同志族群聚集的開放女同志網站中,方便對外傳播球聚消息的空間。二、公共籃球場的球聚空間─真實/開放的「夜光球場」是球聚活動進行的必要空間,用以打球、聚會。但是上述兩個空間的開放性以及真實性,使得參加球聚的女同志在這兩個空間中承受同志身份曝光的壓力。三、奇摩家族網站的球聚空間─虛擬/封閉的「夜光球聚團」,是球聚女同志利用網路空間的虛擬性、隱密性、傳遞消息的方便性以及決定是否開放網站空間的主動性,發展出讓彼此放心現身、做自己、擺脫暗櫃束縛的球聚空間。


The research object of this thesis is the spaces created by a lesbian basketball gathering group in Taiwan: the Moonlight Basketball Gathering Club. The Club has three spaces for communicating. The first one is the virtual / open “Moonlight Basketball Gathering Board,” a basketball gathering space in a lesbian website. The second one is the real / open “moonlight court,” a basketball gathering space in a public basketball court. The third one is the virtual / closed “Moonlight Basketball Gathering Club,” a basketball gathering space at Yahoo Groups. During the formation of lesbian basketball gathering spaces, the lesbian players considered the functions of the spaces as well as the spaces’ protection for lesbian identity because the pressure of the closet comes after their sexual orientation. This thesis concludes that, first, the virtual / open “Moonlight Basketball Gathering Board,” the basketball gathering space in the lesbian website, is where the lesbian community clustered and easily spread the information about the basketball gathering. Second, the real / open “moonlight court,” the basketball gathering space in the public basketball court, is the necessary space for the participants to play basketball and gather together. However, since the two spaces mentioned above are open and real, the lesbian participants are threatened by the possibility of coming out. Third, the virtual / closed “Moonlight Basketball Gathering Club,” the basketball gathering space at Yahoo Groups, is created by these lesbians in order to come out safely and to be themselves, getting rid of the constraint of the closet. This is because the cyberspace is virtual, private and convenient to spread information; the users have the initiative to decide where the space is open or not.



