  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 張子超


本研究旨在評量關渡自然公園的一般參觀解說活動,對於校外教學的國小學童產生的影響。包括學生的喜好、知識獲得與經驗的獲得。同時,針對解說活動進行過程評量,紀錄及分析其過程,以作為對照分析之用。 本研究選定合作解說員5人,進行9場解說的評量。包括解說過程的全程錄音,以及解說結束後選擇5-8位學生進行團體訪談。研究分析的成果如下: 一、解說過程方面: 解說員偏好以講述的方式來進行解說,並以問答的方式來與學生進行互動。引導學生直接觀察是非常有效的解說技巧,但並不是每一位解說員的引導技巧都很好。一般來說,解說都缺乏一個貫穿全場的主旨。 二、學生反應方面: 學生大多都很喜歡這樣的校外教學經驗。雖然解說員介紹了許多的相關知識,但學生在知識獲得的方面非常地少。相較於極少數的知識的獲得,學生對於一些有趣的解說經驗印象深刻。 本研究並依上述結果,對解說員及未來的研究者提出建議。


環境解說 評量 自然中心


The purpose of this study is to assess the interpretive services of Guandu Nature Park, including the enjoyment, learning, and experience gained of participating students, and the analysis of the process of the interpretive activities. 5 coorperative interpreters and 9 interpretive activities are chosen to conduct this study. Researcher tape-recorded the process and interviewed 5-8 students after the interpretation finished. The important results are: 1. The process of the interpretive activities. The prefered skill of the interpreters is interpretive talks and questions. Direct observation is powerful in focusing students' attention, but only some of the interpreters can lead a good observation. None of the interpretations had a theme. 2. The reaction of the students Most students liked the activities. Although the interpreters instructed much knowledge, students learned little. Despite the miserable knowledge gained, students had some interesting experience. Finally, recommendations for interpreters and future researchers are also proposed.


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葉凱翔(2009)。地震災害現址環境解說內涵之探討 -以921地震教育園區為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315173956
潘淑蘭(2013)。關渡自然中心環境教育方案評估之研究 :以國小五年級學童為例〔博士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-0801201418034582
