  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 紀俊臣博士


題目:我國行政與立法兩機關互動及溝通之研究 -以國防部國會聯絡機制為例 摘 要 行政與立法是國家政府組織的二大公權力核心,兩者間的運作、溝通與互動,不僅影響政府的施政效能,更與人民生活、福利息息相關,而台灣自2000年政黨輪替後,民進黨在立法院因席次未過半而無法控制立法院,造成朝小野大,使得行政、立法兩院經常衝突與對立,導致政策推動受到嚴重的影響。因此,行政機關在面對複雜的互動環境,必須動用更多的努力、資源及人員來處理與立法院間的政治互動關係。 透過國會聯絡機制,將行政與立法二機關間之互動及溝通串起,可視為兩機關合作的重要機制。此一聯絡途徑如能通暢,將是維繫行政、立法有效溝通與合作的重要管道,並可降低行政與立法二機關,在互動過程中造成的誤會及衝突。我國行政部門的國會聯絡機制發展至今已形成一體系,在行政與立法部門政策形成過程中扮演重要的角色,並在兩機構互動與運作上有一定程度的影響。 因工作關係,近年來多所接觸國防部國會聯絡機制,深感行政與立法兩機關互動及溝通的重要,而國防事務較一般行政事務尤為特殊,因其具有機密特性,在與立法院互動與溝通過程中,更是比起其他部會要來得更為複雜與特殊,而國防部國會聯絡機制所扮演的關鍵性角色,正是本論文之主要探討重點之所在。 關鍵詞:國會聯絡、府會關係、立法院、國防部


Abstract As the two major check and balance public powers, the administration and legislature branches, with all the function, communication and interaction, not only influence the efficacy of the government, but are also closely related to people’s life and welfare. Nevertheless, a phenomenon of “small administration and big opposition” has emerged in the political arena since the alternation of party in power in 2000, resulting from the ruling DPP’s failing to gain 1/2 seats (with 27 vs. 113 seats in the 2008 election) in the Legislative Yuan. Frequent conflicts and opposition between both branches have severely impacted the promotion of governmental policies. Hence, the administration, confronting with such complex administration-legislation environment, has committed a tremendous effort, resources and manpower to resolving the political dilemma. The legislative liaison offices function as a crucial mechanism in connecting the administration and legislation branches. A well functioning legislative liaison mechanism is expected to serve as an important channel to maintain effective communication and cooperation and to reduce possible misunderstandings and clashes occurred in the course of mutual interaction. As a well established system, the legislative liaison offices in the administration department has evolved over the years into a key role and exerted a certain degree of influence on the interaction between the functions of both branches. In my personal experience as a member of legislative liaison offices of the Ministry of National Defense, I have sensed to a great extent, the importance of interaction and communication between the two branches. Distinct in its confidential nature, national defense bills are far more complex than general administration affairs. As such, this study intends to focus on the key role that the legislative liaison office of the Ministry of National Defense has played in linking the two branches.




Gans, Herbert J. (1988), Middle American Individualism", New York: The Free Press.


